
Pertamina Shows Its Commitment to Implement ESG by Receiving Award as an Informative SOE

Jakarta, October 28, 2021 - Pertamina's commitment and efforts to implement open and transparent information governance following the Governance aspect in Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) have received recognition. At the “Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Award”, PT Pertamina (Persero) won an award as an Informative SOE with a score of 90.49. This Oil and Gas SOE was selected as one of the Public Bodies with an informative category determined by the Central Information Commission. In 2021, the informative award was also given to five other SOEs.

The "Informative" classification status is the best award status for public bodies that provide public information services. The other classifications are "Towards Informative," "Sufficiently Informative," "Less Informative," and "Not Informative,"

The award was announced and handed over by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, to the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, online on Tuesday, October 27, 2021.

On that occasion, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, welcomed and appreciated the central information commission for organizing this event, which also demonstrated an important role in monitoring and evaluating the achievement of information disclosure of government and non-government public bodies. "This award is a good opportunity for public bodies to accelerate their best efforts regarding information disclosure through various innovations that are relentless. It is done to encourage public participation, become a means of introspection for all public bodies to maintain and improve the performance of public services," he said.

Nicke said that information disclosure is very important to build good and clean corporate governance. Pertamina is committed to implementing governance aspects in ESG. "Pertamina continues to make  innovations in implementing public information services through digital media," said Nicke.

"This award can be an encouragement for Pertamina officers to provide better public information services," said Nicke.

“Anugerah Keterbukaan Informasi Publik Award” was held to evaluate the implementation of the Public Information Disclosure Act Number 14 of 2008 by seven categories of bodies, namely State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), Provincial Governments, Ministries, State Universities, State Institutions and Non-Ministry Government Institutions (LP/ LPNK), Political Parties, and Non-Structural Institutions.

In 2021, Pertamina puts forward the innovation aspect of the Pertamina Integrated Command Center, which supports Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data, which guarantees the quality of information. Therefore the validity of the type of information that is public information can be guaranteed. The collaboration aspect emphasized is a collaboration with all stakeholders in handling COVID-19 carried out by the entire Pertamina Group throughout Indonesia.

In addition, Pertamina has refreshed its website www.pertamina.com. It is the main source of service and information dissemination, various social media channels integration, and Pertamina Call Center with e-ppid.pertamina.com services. It also provided information disclosure in annual reports, and sustainability reports are Pertamina's efforts to support the implementation of public information disclosure achieve the value of the informative category.

The range of values for each category is 90-100 for the Informative category, 80-89.9 for the Towards Informative category, 60-79.9 for the Quite Informative category (including low disclosure of information), 40-59.9 for the Less Informative category, and 0-39.9 for the Uninformative category.**

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