
Pertamina Synergy Launches Bengkel Sahabat Difabel in Yogyakarta

Bantul, September 21, 2022 - PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL) and PT Pertamina Retail (PTPR), a Subholding Commercial & Trading (C&T) subsidiary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, synergize to encourage quality and skills development of the disabled community by launching the Pertamina Bengkel Sahabat Difabel managed by Forum Peduli Difabel Bantul (FPDB) on Thursday, September 15, 2022, in Bantul, Yogyakarta.

The launch was marked by handing over the working capital assistance for workshops, workshop infrastructure, training programs, and Pertamina lubricant packages. The handover to FPDB members was carried out by the Corporate Secretary of PTPL, Rifqi Budi Prasetyo, and the Corporate & Legal Secretary of PTPR, Achmad Wahyudi, accompanied by the Manager of CSR & SMEPP C&T of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sri Nur Hidayati. The Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Bantul Regency Government, Tatik Windari, S.Sos., M.SE, was also present.

Pertamina Sahabat Difabel is a program that embraces people with disabilities by guiding training to develop self-potential in the workshop business.

Before the workshop launched, FPDB had access to a variety of training programs, including  basic welding techniques with manual arcs, tool introduction, practicing quick counts of product work materials, product manufacturing training, finishing techniques training, and motorcycle wheel service training. In addition to technical training, this forum is also equipped with entrepreneurship, sales, and marketing training.

Forum Peduli Difabel Bantul (FPDB) is an organization that oversees people with disabilities, especially in the Bantul area. Before officially becoming the Bengkel Pertamina Sahabat Difabel, the FPDB workshop located on Jl. Parangtritis no 18 RT 10 Ngaglik, Jetus, Bantul started as a tricycle repair shop and three-wheeled vehicle modification.

“Bantul's commitment to disability is unquestionable. Bantul wants to create an area friendly to women, children, and disabilities. This Pertamina program is a reinforcement for people with disabilities," said Tatik Windari, S. Sos, M.SE., Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of the Bantul Regency Government's Social Service.

He continued that people with disability in Bantul tries to organize and develop themselves into various forums and associations. He also hopes that this program will be spread to other areas.

Manager of CSR & SMEPP C&T of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sri Nur Hidayati, also said that Pertamina is committed to listening to various aspirations from the fostered partner community, including people with disabilities.

"Pertamina Sahabat Difabel is a sustainable program and involves collaboration with various stakeholders to further strengthen Pertamina's programs, especially in self-reliance and community empowerment fields," she continued.

Corporate Secretary & Legal of PTPR, Achmad Wahyudi, told the beginning of this collaboration and hoped that the Pertamina Sahabat Difabel Program would be a good start to improve the empowerment quality of people with disability in Indonesia.

"With synergies, the program will provide wider and greater benefits. PTPL already has a disability empowerment program in Jakarta, Bantul, and Cilacap. PTPR also has a program plan related to people with disabilities where the implementation is supported by the Presidential Staff of Social Affairs, which started a collective discussion regarding collaborative program planning and implementation,” he added.

“Fighting spirit, creativity, and willingness to develop themselves are the keys to success and whatever business they undertake. With PTPL and PTPR collaboration today, it is hoped that it could foster a higher spirit for friends with disabilities in Bantul. Thus in the future, it could inspire disabled communities in other regions in Indonesia," said Rifqi Budi Prasetyo, Corporate Secretary of PTPL.

On the same occasion, Basuki from FPDB said, "We thank Pertamina for giving great attention to people with disabilities. It is the first time we have been given assistance by an SOE such as Pertamina. The training and workshop are useful for us to be productive, create, innovate and provide benefits to many people."

PTPL and PTPR will continue to cooperate in developing and assisting the Pertamina Sahabat Difabel workshop to run independently and sustainably.

Previously, Pertamina Sahabat Difabel collaboration between PTPL and PTPR had been carried out in Cilacap, and in the future, it will be carried out in Jakarta.**

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