
Pertamina Synergy Provides Ecoprint Training for Friends with Disabilities

Jakarta, September 21, 2022 - PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL), in collaboration with PT Pertamina Retail (PTPR), through the Pertamina Sahabat Difabel program, provides training to improve Batik Ecoprint skills to students at the Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Negeri 4 Jakarta on 16 - 17 September 2022.

The training participants were ten students with Deaf Special Needs Children and five accompanying teachers. Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) Negeri 4 Jakarta, located in Tugu Selatan Village, is a school near one of the lubricant factories PTPL Production Jakarta Unit (PUJ).

The environmentally friendly lifestyles or businesses is currently favored by the public and continues to show growth in various business sectors such as clothing and household appliances. Especially for fashion trends, eco print can be an option.

Ecoprint uses the tracing leaves technique and boiling them, similar to the batik-making process, to produce natural and authentic colors. The resulting motifs are more contemporary than those drawn or printed with classic batik motifs.

In this training, the eco print was chosen as a skill to be taught because the products produced are varied and based on natural ingredients.

Himawan Triyarso, representing the PUJ Manager, said that the Pertamina Sahabat Difabel program is a commitment from Pertamina to empower people with disabilities to be innovative and independent.

"Pertamina is committed to providing space and opportunities for people with disabilities to continue working and adding new skills," he continued.

Head of SLB Negeri 4 Jakarta, Sukimin, welcomed Pertamina's efforts in developing the skills of his students. He also hopes the Pertamina Sahabat Difabel program can help students prepare themselves after graduation.

"We appreciate Pertamina's concern in developing the skills of our students," he continued.

The Ecoprint training at SLB Negeri 4 Jakarta invited instructor Tati Leliana Purba, SLB Negeri 6 Jakarta teacher and the 2019 Ibukota Awards recipient.

Leli said the SLB children's limitation in listening and speaking did not prevent them from producing creative works with high selling value.

The Pertamina Sahabat Difabel program is aligned with the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) commitment carried out by Pertamina to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) realization in Indonesia. This support is specified in point 4, Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Increasing Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All.**

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