
Pertamina Tank Truck Crews Accelerates Handling COVID-19 with Early Morning Oxygen Deliveries to Hospitals

Jakarta, July 7, 2021 – Miska Feryansyah (35 years old), a member of Pertamina's Tank Truck Crews (AMT), is proud to be a part of the company's role in assisting the government in accelerating the handling of COVID-19.

As a leading professional in charge of distributing Fuel and LPG domestically, Miska is one of the chosen AMT that delivers 21 ISO Tanks to meet oxygen needs on the island of Java through Pertamina Peduli Penanggulangan Covid-19 (Covid-19 Handling).

Together with 41 other AMTs, at around four o'clock in the morning, Miska was ready with his truck at Pier 102 Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.

"I did not expect to get this noble task to distribute oxygens for Covid-19 patients. I am very proud and happy to be a part of this," said Miska.

Previously, three other AMTs on Monday (5/7) had carried out the task of carrying ISO Tanks that had been filled with 20 tons of Oxygens each. Two ISO Tanks are moving towards Kendal, Central Java, and DI Yogyakarta. Another tank has arrived at Kodja Pulo Gadung-Cakung Tuesday morning.

Acting Vice President Corporate Communication & Investor Relations of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fajriyah Usman, explained that Pertamina, through the synergy of its subsidiaries, has moved to help patients who need oxygen in Central Java and DI Yogyakarta hospitals.

She added that after the arrival of 21 ISO Tanks, it is planned that on July 9, 2021, Pertamina will receive 6 ISO Tanks from Balikpapan.

"As a form of the company's commitment to implementing ESG, since the March 2020 pandemic, Pertamina has become part of handling COVID-19," she concluded.**

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