
Pertamina to Support Government in Implementing Right on Target 3 LPG 3Kg

JAKARTA – Starting February 2018, government will impose a new system in distributing 3 kg subsidized LPG to be right on target. Pertamina as SOEs that served energy all this time supporting the effort according to the given task. External Communication Manager Pertamina Arya Dwi Paramita said that in front of national media, in Jakarta, Friday (6/10/2017).

According to Arya, Pertamina will do varous efforts to support the program. One of which is by ensuring the supply of other LPG variants in the market as the alternative for the people that is not included in the program. "Aside of the efforts above, community need to be aware to use non-subsidized LPG," he said.

Arya explained, government assistance through 3 kg LPG will be only given to poor households, poor people and micro businesses based on an integrated database issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"Kriteria rumah tangga miskin adalah mereka yang tingkat kesejahteraanya 40% terendah. Yaitu, keluarga dengan pendapatan Rp 350 ribu/per kapita/bulan serta dinding dan lantai rumah tidak permanen. Sedangkan untuk kriteria pengusaha mikro adalah mereka yang termasuk dalam kategori belum bankable," paparnya.

"The criteria for poor households are those with the lowest level of welfare. For example, families with income of Rp 350 thousand per capita per month and the walls, floors of houses are not permanent, while the criteria for micro entrepreneurs are those that are not yet bankable" he explained.

With the mechanism of 3 kg LPG is in accordance with a clear data and criteria, it is expected that the distribution of subsidies is on target.

Arya also said, the people who are still able to use subsidized LPG should immediately switch to non-subsidized products. "We have prepared 5.5 kg of Bright Gas product that has been spread all over Indonesia and even to facilitate people to get Bright Gas, we also prepare shuttle service by contacting Pertamina Contact Center 1500 000," he said.

This Bright Gas product has many advantages. That is, in terms of safety, it is obviously more secure because it is equipped with a tube that uses double valve DSVS (Double Spindle Valve System) so 2 times safer, attractive packaging, and lightweight so easy to carry everywhere. "And most importantly, people can no longer use subsidized LPG products that are only for the poor," said Arya. * Kuntoro

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