
Pertamina's Facilities in Safe and Normal Condition Following Earthquake in Mentawai

West Sumatra, April 25, 2023 - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional North Sumatra (Sumbagut) confirms that the storage and distribution facilities for fuel and LPG in West Sumatra (Sumbar) are in a safe condition and operating normally following the tectonic earthquake located in the sea at a depth of 23 kilometers and a distance of 177 kilometers northwest of the Mentawai Islands, Sumbar, which occurred at 03.00 AM on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Based on BMKG records, the earthquake initially had a magnitude of 7.3 but was later updated to 6.9.

According to the report from Integrated Terminal (IT) Manager Teluk Kabung, Padang, Sumbar, Dwi Haryono, several workers and operators who were on duty at IT Teluk Kabung felt the earthquake. "At around 03.07 AM, after the earthquake had stopped, I asked the HSSE team and workers on duty to check the condition of IT Teluk Kabung's facilities. Alhamdulillah, the condition of IT Teluk Kabung's facilities is normal, with no damage," explained Dwi.

Furthermore, Dwi added that the operation at IT Teluk Kabung was temporarily halted for about an hour to ensure that the facilities were in good condition, without damage, and ready to operate. "After the facilities were confirmed safe and undamaged, we continued the operation of IT Teluk Kabung. We did this to fulfill the aspects of Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection in carrying out our operational activities. We also monitor the latest information from BMKG as a form of caution in case of potential tsunamis or aftershocks," said Dwi.

BMKG gave an initial warning about the possibility of a tsunami, but BMKG has now lifted the warning.

Stock of Fuel in Mentawai is Sufficient

The stock of fuel in Mentawai is also in a safe condition. Previously, Susanto August Satria, Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR Pertamina Patra Niara Regional Sumbagut, ensured that the stock of JBKP (Special Assignment Fuel Type) Pertalite and JBT (Specific Fuel Type) Biosolar was strengthened.

"On Wednesday (April 19), the ship carrying fuel from IT Teluk Kabung, Padang, arrived at Pulau Siberut, precisely in South Siberut, at around 8:20 PM. The fuel transport ship immediately unloaded the cargo to be distributed to the community in the South Siberut area. With the arrival of this fuel, the stock of Pertalite JBKP in South Siberut can last for more than 20 days with a shipment of 48 KL Pertalite, while the stock of JBT Biosolar fuel can last for more than a week with the arrival of 8 KL Bio Solar," explained Satria.

Narotama Aulia Fazri, Sales Area Manager of Pertamina Patra Niaga in West Sumatra, confirmed that the distribution facilities of petrol stations, Pertashop, SPBE, and Agent Warehouses are safe, without damage and operating normally.

"We ensure that Pertamina's facilities in West Sumatra are in a safe condition, without damage, and operating normally following the tectonic earthquake in Mentawai. We continue to monitor the development of information on this natural disaster, especially since we are still in the RAFI Task Force period," concluded Naro.

Further information about RAFI Task Force can be obtained by contacting Pertamina Call Center (PCC) at 135 and official social media accounts @ptpertaminapatraniaga, @mypertamina, and @pertamina_sumbagut.**

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