
Vice President of Stakeholder Relations & Management at Pertamina Persero, Rifky Rakhman Yusuf, along with the Director of Business Planning and Development at PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN) Sub Holding Commercial & Trading (C&T), Harsono Budi Santoso, and the management team visit the Mini Expo at the Final Pitch event of Pertamuda Seed & Scale 2023 on Wednesday (29/11) at the Ballroom of The Patra Bali Hotel.

Pertamuda Seed & Scale 2023 Gives Birth to Young Entrepreneurs

Bali, November 29, 2023 – Pertamuda Seed & Scale 2023 is a business idea competition for students in Indonesia that aims to expand the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and innovation implementation in the energy sector and to facilitate early-stage start-ups in Indonesia to access funding.

This year, Pertamuda features two competition categories: Early Stage Start-up and Energy Founder. Early Stage Start-up is a competition category for budding businesses, ranging from ideas in the early stages of development to those dependent on seed funding. On the other hand, Energy Founder is a competition category designed for founders with business ideas in the energy sector.

Rifky Rakhman Yusuf, Vice President of Stakeholder Relations and management of PT Pertamina, stated that this event is evidence of collaboration between Pertamina as an industry player, the education sector, and the government to enhance entrepreneurship qualities and skills across all levels, especially among the participants of Pertamuda 2023.

"Today marks the Final Pitch, inviting all of us to observe and open our minds to receive ideas and enthusiasm from the top 15 participants," Rifky said during the opening of the Pertamuda Seed & Scale 2023 Final Pitch on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at The Patra Bali Hotel.

The 15 ideas consist of 10 Early Stage Start-ups and five Energy Founders, competing for the top 3 positions in each category and a coaching fund of IDR 300 million for the Early Stage Start-up category and IDR 105 million for the Energy Founders category.

"Good luck to every presenting team. We are here not only to choose winners but also to celebrate the journey and dedication of each participant in creating a sustainable future. Let's make this final pitch a valuable moment to inspire the extraordinary ideas of all participants," Rifky added.

At the same event, Fajriyah Usman, VP of CSR & SMEEP of Pertamina, mentioned that this year, Pertamuda Seed & Scale 2023 would allocate a portion of the funds for Pertamina's operational activities and social responsibility and environmental initiatives.

"Therefore, we hope that the innovations from current Indonesian students or the younger generation can be implemented in society, whether for commercial-industrial needs or social activities that will impact Indonesia's economic movement," Fajriyah said.

She conveyed this year, Pertamuda Seed & Scale conducted business matching involving various investors and angel investors, allowing the built innovations to be directly applied.

"Pertamina is proud to be part of this activity as it fosters collaboration between universities/higher education institutions and, later on, with the government. It is also a key point for the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises to nurture young entrepreneurs in Indonesia," Fajriyah expressed.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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