
Perwira Penggerak Pertamina Learn Batik at Sriekandi Patra Difablepreneur Workshop in Boyolali

Boyolali, April 19, 2023 - Wawan could not hold back the tremble in his hands as he carved batik motifs on a piece of white cloth using a brush. However, this did not detract from the beauty of his batik, instead making it a distinctive feature of the work created by a Boyolali-based person with disabilities named Darmawan, an amputee.

The 19-year-old had the opportunity to become a batik skills instructor for Perwira Penggerak Pertamina in a Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event entitled Energizing Difablepreneur Community at the Sriekandi Patra Workshop in Boyolali on Tuesday afternoon (18/4).

During the event, Wawan shared his experience as a batik instructor.

"I am delighted that a person with disabilities like me can become a batik skills instructor for others, especially for Perwira Penggerak Pertamina," said Wawan.

Perwira Penggerak Pertamina are Pertamina employees who voluntarily participate in various social activities run by Pertamina, both in TJSL and other programs.

Dian Hapsari Firasati (Sari), who is the Manager of CSR at PT Pertamina (Persero), admitted that she was pleased to be one of the participants in the event. She said the skills shared by people with disabilities in the Pertamina Difablepreneur Disability program had inspired her and other Perwira Penggerak Pertamina.

"Instead of wanting to motivate and inspire people with disabilities to be empowered through TJSL programs, Pertamina Officers has been inspired by the Difablepreneur group’s skills, which have transcended limitations," said Sari.

She added that the event was a gathering and a celebration of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises’ 25th anniversary, which fell on April 13, 2023.

"On the occasion of Ramadan and the anniversary of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, we wanted to socialize with people with disabilities while exchanging skills and knowledge with each other, from and for Pertamina and Difablepreneur," said Sari.

During the event, one of the Perwira Penggerak Pertamina also taught a session on safety aspects, especially related to fire incident mitigation that might occur at the Difablepreneur workshop or at home.

"In addition, we provided some operational equipment assistance for the Difablepreneur group, including product display equipment for the Sriekandi Patra group, projector and printer equipment for the Kresna Patra group, and welding equipment for the Difabel Ampel group," added Sari.

The Area Manager for Communication, Relations, & CSR of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga for Central Java, Brasto Galih Nugroho, said that the Difableprenuer program is one of the flagship TJSL programs run by Pertamina with the surrounding community of the Boyolali Fuel Terminal.

"This program has been pioneered since 2018 and has empowered at least 350 people with disabilities in the Boyolali Regency," said Brasto.

He also said that the program continues to develop with the increasing number of disabled groups that are fostered, from initially one group to three disabled groups with each of their entrepreneurial activities.

"These include Kresna Patra with sewing activities, Sriekandi Patra with batik activities, and the Difabel Ampel Community through Pertamina gas cylinder delivery services," he stated.

Empowering People with Disabilities, ESG Commitment and Contribution to SDGs Manifestation

Brasto explained that Pertamina's Difablepreneur Disability program is the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) commitments application manifestation as a business entity.

“Moreover, this program also contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in points 3 (Healthy and Prosperous Life), 4 (Quality Education), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 10 (Reduced Inequality), 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions)," he concluded.**

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