
PHM Increases Operational Reliability through Planned Maintenance of Oil and Gas Facilities at Swamp Field

Balikpapan, May 23, 2022 - PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), part of Zone 8 Regional Kalimantan Subholding Upstream Pertamina, will carry out Planned Maintenance Activities for oil and gas facilities in marsh regions followng the approved Work Plan & Budget (WP&B) 2022 to ensure reliable production facilities. Production facilities in the process of maintenance activities includes the North Processing Unit (NPU) Field on May 22, 2022 and the South Processing Unit (SPU), Central Processing Unit (CPU), and Sisi Nubi (SNB) Field on May 28, 2022.

This activity aims to carry out installation maintenance. These include rejuvenating production equipment (such as the piping system), testing the emergency safety system (Emergency Shutdown System), pipeline inspection (Intelligent pigging), and improving wastewater treatment equipment.

General Manager of PHM, Krisna, explained that one of the strategies to reduce LPO (Loss of Production Opportunity) in the Sisi Nubi field is Planned Maintenance. It is carried out aligned with the program to accelerate the new well's production for the Jumelai Sisi Nubi (JSN) project, namely wells SS-301 and SS- 302, which is planned to be on stream in June 2022. "With this strategy, we get an optimization of LPO for all activities of 400 MMscf for gas and 630 barrels for oil," Krisnasaid.

According to Krisna, this Planned Maintenance activity was carried out with thorough preparation and intense coordination with SKK Migas and PHI as the parent company. "This is also PHM's effort to produce new wells without being disturbed by planned maintenance activities in the future," Krisna added.

“Another strategy implemented to reduce LPO is that several jobs are done collectively. Then, the duration of Planned Maintenance Activities is optimized like in the CPU field and Nubi Side from five days to two days. Likewise, in the NPU field, the activity duration was optimized from the two-day plan to one-day plan. For the duration of the planned maintenance activities in the SPU field, it has been optimal for five days," Krisna said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Operations of SKK Migas, Julius Wiratno, said the PHM's acceleration of Planned Maintenance became very important for SKK Migas in an effort to meet this year's oil and gas lifting target.

"Planned Maintenance Activities are carried out to ensure installation maintenance runs well and reliable production facilities so that future operational disruptions can be minimized," Julius said.

Julius added the acceleration would also impact operating cost savings. Thus, state revenues can be optimized.

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) is a subsidiary of PHI. which operates upstream oil and gas operations and business in the Mahakam Working Area in East Kalimantan. PHM together with other PHI subsidiaries and affiliates continues to innovate and apply technology to produce sustainable energy from Kalimantan for Indonesia. More information about PHI is available at https://phi.pertamina.com. **

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