
PHR Stunting Prevention Program with Kampar Regency Government Applaud by President Jokowi

Pekanbaru, January 21, 2023 - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continues to decrese children's stunting numbers or stunting in Riau Province. The Rokan PHR Work Area (WK) collaboration with the Kampar Regency Government recently received praise from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, for successfully reducing the stunting rate in the area.

The PHR WK Rokan stunting prevention program in Kampar has shown great results. "Kampar has reduced stunting from 27 to nearly eight percent. This is a very drastic reduction," said President Jokowi, during the opening of the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of Regional Heads and Regional Leadership Communication Forums (FKPD) throughout Indonesia 2023, at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Sentul, Bogor Regency, West Java, Tuesday (17/01).

President Jokowi appreciates the stunting prevention program in Kampar. Even though they haven't used digital application platforms, the foster care pattern for companies in Kampar could significantly reduce stunting rates.

The stunting problem is a serious concern for the government, considering that Indonesia will experience a peak demographic bonus in 2030-2035. Stunting prevention programs need improvements to create quality young people who can compete in the future.

PHR started the stunting prevention program after the WK Rokan management transfer in August 2021. Besides Kampar, the stunting prevention program is also implemented in Siak, Bengkalis, Rokan Hilir, and Pekanbaru.

This activity is one of PHR's Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs (TJSL) in the health sector. In this case, PHR is working with the Indonesian Family Planning Association (PKBI) Riau as the implementing partner.

"Until 2023, PHR and PKBI Riau have intervened in 70 Posyandu in five districts/cities in Riau," said The Riau Executive Director of PKBI, Anthony Adiputra.

Especially for Kampar Regency, PHR, with PKBI Riau, has held stunting prevention interventions in three villages, namely Pancuran Gading Village, Gading Sari Village, and Kota Garo Village.

The activities include providing additional food for children under two years old and pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency. "Additional food is provided for stunting babies for six months and for pregnant women during their pregnancy," Anthony said.

Additional to providing food, PHR with PKBI Riau are actively conducting education on stunting prevention by involving Posyandu cadres, village midwives, and PKK. A stunting prevention campaign was also held in several schools in Kampar.

"Since this program was implemented, at least 2,183 people have been educated," he concluded.

PHR also distributed anthropometric tools consisting of weight-measuring devices and height-measuring devices for Posyandu. "This program also provides training for cadres, one of which is improving measurement skills," Anthony said.

The PHR stunting prevention program is following the government programs in the 2019-2024 National/Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN/RPJMD). This program also supports sustainable development goals (SDGs) achievement.

This program also received appreciation from the Governor of Riau Syamsuar for PHR's contribution to preventing stunting in Riau. Apart from that, it also received an award from the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) in mid-June 2022.


PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) is one of Pertamina's subsidiaries engaged in the upstream oil and gas business under the Upstream Subholding, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). PHR was established on December 20, 2018.

Pertamina received the mandate from the Indonesian Government to manage the Rokan Working Area since August 9, 2021. Pertamina assigned PHR to carry out the transferring management process from the previous operator. The transition process is safe, smooth, and reliable. PHR will continue to manage Rokan WK for 20 years, from August 9, 2021, to August 8, 2041.

Rokan WK's operating area is approximately 6,200 km2 located in 7 regencies/cities in Riau Province. There are 80 active fields with 11,300 wells and 35 gathering stations. Rokan WK produces a quarter of the national crude oil or a third of Pertamina's production. Apart from producing oil and gas for the country, PHR manages social and environmental responsibility programs focusing on education, health, community economy, and the environment.

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