
PIS Accompanies the KNKT and KLHK, Supporting MT Kristin Ship Investigation and Mitigation

Lombok, March 29, 2023 - PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) is committed to overseeing the investigation and impact mitigation process from the MT Kristin ship incident.

The Director of Operations of PIS, Brilian Perdana, emphasized that the PIS team is on standby to coordinate with the authorities who will carry out further processes, both the investigation process to thoroughly investigate the incident's cause and the mitigation process for the incident's impacts risks.

After successfully carrying out the MT Kristin ship docking process at the PDS pier, PIS coordinated with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT), who visited the pier to carry out physical inspections of the MT Kristin ship and others.

"So far, PIS has participated directly and assisted the KNKT in the investigation process and the KLHK in mitigating environmental impacts," said Brilian on Tuesday (28/3).

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has carried out the seawater sampling process, while the NTSC has carried out a physical inspection of the MT Kristin ship.

Brilian also emphasized to the Ship Owner or owner of the MT Kristin ship, namely PT Hanlyn Jaya Mandiri, to support the investigation process and other processes needed to thoroughly investigate the incident's causes.

PIS encourages the ship owner to continue reporting on processes/updates on actions taken regarding the handling of victims and their families, surviving crew members, cargo & vessel handling, and environmental impact mitigation.

As it is known, PT Hanlyn Jaya Mandiri is the owner of the ship or ship owner/MT Kristin hired by PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) to carry out the transportation and delivery of Pertalite fuel cargo from the Tuban Fuel Terminal to the Ampenan Integrated Terminal and the Sanggar Fuel Terminal.

In a separate statement, the MT Kristin ship owner also stated ready to take full responsibility for the impacts arising from the incident.

"We are fully responsible as a ship owner for ensuring the crew members and ship cargo safety, MT Kristin handling, and risk management for environmental impacts, and we are ready to cooperate with related parties to carry out the necessary steps both in the context of examining and investigating the causes an incident occurred," said Director of PT Hanlyn Jaya Mandiri, Tedi Supriadi, Tuesday (28/3).**

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