
Pontianak City Government Issue Documents on the use of LPG 3 KG for Businessmen

Pontianak - As part of optimizing LPG 3 kg distribution to the people in need, Head of Department Cooperatives, Micro Business and Trade has issued a documents related to the use of LPG 3 Kg for entrepreneurs. Together with Marketing Branch Manager Pertamina Kalbar Kalteng Teuku Johan Miftah and Head of DPC Hiswana Migas Pontianak Hendra Salam, the letter which contains prohibition of LPG 3kg use for business outside micro business category, is going to befirst socialized in LPG base, Jalan Imam Bonjol Pontianak, on Saturday (14/10).

On the sideline of the activities, Head of Department of Cooperatives, Micro and Commercial Business Pontianak Haryadi S. Triwibowo states that this step is taken in order to discipline the use of 3 kg of LPG, which is still used by middle-upper class businesses. This, according to him, affects the availability of LPG 3 Kg which should be channeled to the poor and micro businesses, as stated in Presidential Decree No. RI. 104 Year 2007 on the Supply, Distribution and Pricing of LPG Tube 3 Kg. Micro business itself is a category of business that has annual sales of at most 300 million rupiahs.

"This letter will be distributed to all businessmen that uses LPG as fuel in which they should use a non-subsidized LPG. If there are businessman that is not going to heed this letter, we will give them punishment up to business license revocation ", said Haryadi.

On the same occasion, Marketing Branch Manager of Central Kalimantan Pertamina Kalteng Teuku Johan Miftah expressed his appreciation to the government of Pontianak which has been in synergy with Pertamina as a state-owned company assigned to distribute LPG to the public. According to him, socialization and education is one of the important efforts to provide understanding to the public so that they are wise in responding to the use of subsidized products.

"Before this letter, Pertamina with the government have actively giving announcement to community and middle-upper class businessmen to convert to non-subsidized LPG. We are still doing ", said Johan.

Moreover, Johan explained that with the redeem promo of LPG 3 Kg to Bright Gas 5.5 Kg, Pertamina noted that there is an increase in trends of using non-subsidized products known as pinky. Compared to the consumption at the end of 2016, Pertamina has recorded 30% increase in TW IV 2017.

Sedangkan terkait ketersediaan LPG 3 Kg di tengah-tengah masyarakat di Kota Pontianak, Pertamina jamin stok dan distribusi produk aman. Dengan konsumsi normal harian sejumlah 22.000 tabung atau naik 2 % dari konsumsi normal tahun lalu, Pertamina tidak membatasi maupun mengurangi distribusi produk LPG 3 Kg. Di beberapa momen hari-hari besar seperti Idul Fitri dan Tahun Baru, Pertamina justru menyediakan stok tambahan demi kenyamanan masyarakat.

Meanwhile, related to the availability of 3 Kg LPG in Pontianak, Pertamina guaranteed that the stock and distribution of the products are safe. With daily normal consumption of 22,000 tubes or up 2% from normal consumption last year, Pertamina did not limit or reduce the distribution of 3 kg LPG products. In occasional moments such as Idul Fitri and New Year, Pertamina actually provides additional stock for the convenience of the community.

"Bright Gas hadir sebagai opsi baru bagi masyarakat yang lebih mampu. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran produk subsidi tetap kami lakukan sebaik mungkin", pungkas Johan.

"Bright Gas comes as a new option for a more capable society. In line with that, the service to the people who are targeted by our subsidized products is running well", Johan added.

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