
Portrait of Michael's Story of Serving Energy on Samosir Island Wins Best Of The Best 2021

Jakarta, December 19, 2021 - The story of Pertamina's LPG delivery to customers packaged in a photo essay by Qodrat Al-Qadri was selected as Best Of The Best at the 2021 Pertamina Jurnalistik Award (AJP) held virtually on Saturday, December 18, 2021.

The work of Analisadaily photographer, Medan, North Sumatra, photographed the journey of LPG from SPBBE transported by truck, crossed Samosir Island by boat, and then delivered to customers using a bentor or motorized tricycle.

If the road is difficult it will be escorted by foot until it reaches the customer's house. The customer is happy because the energy they have been waiting for has arrived. They can cook various dishes thanks to LPG.

LPG on Samosir Island has reached 128 villages served through bases in 98 villages.

LPG on Samosir Island, which is part of the Lake Toba Tourism Area, designated by the Government as a Super Priority Tourism Area, is important. The existence of gas energy that is more environmentally friendly will encourage this area to become the world's attention.

Not surprisingly, the journey of gas energy with the title "Kisah Michael, Dari Pemburu Koin Hingga Membirukan Dapur Warga Samosir" succeeded in attracting the attention of the National Jury Chair chaired by Prof. Mohammad Nuh.

The success of a photo essay in becoming the Best Of The Best has become an impetus for photojournalists or photographers to be more optimistic to compete with print and electronic works.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman said this year a photojournalist won Best Of The Best. Previously, the Best of the Best winners were won by TV journalists, radio journalists, online journalists, and print journalists.

"Congratulations to all the winners of the 2021 AJP. With quality work, all journalists in the regions have the same opportunity to get the highest award from Pertamina. Hopefully, this will be an incentive for photojournalists to produce quality works," said Fajriyah.

"Pertamina continues to support the improvement of the quality of Indonesian journalists to be more professional and competitive. Journalists are Pertamina's strategic partners in realizing national energy independence and the transition to clean energy," said Fajriyah.**

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