
Positive Trend, Program Subsidi Tepat for Subsidized Solar with QR Code Implemented in 234 Regions

May 25, 2023 - As a business entity tasked with distributing subsidized fuel, Pertamina Patra Niaga is committed to maintaining the subsidized solar distribution according to a predetermined quota. One of the efforts to realize the well-recorded Subsidized Solar distribution, the Program Subsidi Tepat for Subsidized Solar products, is continued with a Full QR mechanism in 234 cities or regencies throughout Indonesia.

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting, stated that the Program Subsidi Tepat for Solar is not new, and Pertamina Patra Niaga is evaluating and continuing the positive trend of the program.

"Considering that the subsidized solar distribution has been regulated in BPH Migas Decree No. 04/P3JBT/BPH MIGAS/KOM/2020 concerning Control of Certain Types of Fuel Distribution, both in vehicle criteria and volume or daily quota, we are gradually implementing Full QR for Subsidized Solar. It is the next step to ensure the public is accustomed to using the QR Code," Irto said.

According to Irto, this Full QR has several benefits for Subsidized Solar users, especially the daily quota security that users are entitled to purchase, and as an evaluation of misuse by irresponsible individuals.

"When the plate number scheme was still permitted, there were many incidents where consumers’ plate numbers were used by irresponsible individuals. Full QR can be the solution because all transactions use the QR Code scan. For extra security, the QR Code can be reset periodically without any limits. Thus, if lost or suspected of being used, it can be replaced with a new QR Code through the Subsidi Tepat website," he concluded.

Starting May 25, Full QR will be implemented gradually in 234 cities or regencies. In the past two weeks, these regions have implemented the Full Registrant mechanism, and their transaction performance using QR has been satisfactory, making them ready to implement the Full QR. The list of areas can be checked via https://mypertamina.id/register-spbu-uji-coba-subsidi-tepat under the updated column May 25, 2023.

Irto continued that at the initial implementation of Full QR, Pertamina Patra Niaga had also prepared anticipations to facilitate the public. One of which was by providing QR printing points at several petrol stations. "So people who left the QR Code, or those who want to refresh the QR Code can be assisted at petrol stations and immediately continue their subsidized Solar purchase transactions," he said.

Irto hopes that the initial Full QR Program Subsidi Tepat can run well and receive support from all relevant Stakeholders to realize a more transparent Subsidized Solar distribution and minimalizing Subsidized Solar misuse by irresponsible individuals.

"We have a positive goal, where this Subsidi Tepat aims to ensure that the subsidized fuel quota is maintained, used according to applicable regulations, and transparent usage. Pertamina Patra Niaga will continue to evaluate its implementation and ensure that the service runs smoothly," Irto said.

For registration information, visit the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id, and all information can be accessed via mypertamina.id website, social media @mypertamina, and @ptpertaminapatraniaga, and if you need assistance, contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) at 135.**

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