
Photo Caption: BPMI Setpres Document

President Jokowi Gives Directions to Pertamina Hulu Rokan Workers at the Palace

August 13, 2021 - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) met with representatives of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) workers at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. During the meeting, President Jokowi gave directions to the workers who had just joined the PHR. 

The meeting took place at the Merdeka Palace, Jl Medan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta, Thursday (12/8/2021). There were ten representatives of PHR workers present, accompanied by the President Director of PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, and the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir.

Principal Expert Upstream, Budianto Renyut, one of the PHR workers who participated in the meeting, said he was happy to meet with President Jokowi. He said that the transition process between PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) and PT PHR, which peaked on August 9, 2021, went smoothly.

"The transition is very smooth and safe. It is evidenced by the well drilling program that can be carried out and improved, which was not implemented in the previous two years. With excellent cooperation, the transition can be successfully implemented and increase our oil production level in the Rokan Block," said Budianto.

Budianto also appreciated Pertamina's move to accept almost all of the former CPI workers to join PHR. The number of CPI workers who joined PHR was 2,689 people, or about 98% of the total CPI workers.

"We are all accepted by Pertamina as full employees. Thank you for that," he said.

During the meeting, continued Budianto President Jokowi gave directions so that workers could maintain and increase production in the Rokan Block. Budianto emphasized that the directive had become the commitment of the PHR workers.

"Earlier, we received direction and hope from the President that we all maintain and ensure production can be increased in the future for the Rokan Block. We are very confident and determined to maintain and increase production," said Budianto.

Sr. Well Development Manager Lysa Aryanti, one of the other PHR workers who participated in the meeting, said that the transition from CPI to PHR assisted by SKK Migas went well. Especially in the last year, where both parties were intensely discussing and transferring data.

"We have intense meetings to discuss the progress of the nine programs that we need to monitor, starting a year ago. And this can be seen on the first day in the field we can see on August 9, 2021, at 00.00, our drilling rig is still working. It is a seamless process. There is no need to stop first and then start again. Everything works as before. Nothing is different," she said.

Previously, President Jokowi welcomed the process of managing the Rokan Block and congratulated Pertamina. After more than 90 years of management being carried out by Chevron, and since August 9, 2021, one of the natural resources of Bumi Lancang Kuning is in the hands of SOE, namely Pertamina.

"Congratulations on the return of the management of the Rokan Block to Indonesia and good luck for the entire team from Pertamina," said President Jokowi.

President Jokowi also encouraged the entire Pertamina team. He asked Pertamina to work hard to maintain the sustainability of the Rokan block as a support for national oil production and increase benefits for the region.

"I believe that Pertamina is capable of managing the RokanBlock," said the President.**

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