
Products Based on Local Crafts and Culture Become the Mainstay of Pertamina JBT Foster Partners to Go Global

Jakarta, September 6, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Micro and Small Business Development Program (PUMK), has fostered more than 65,000 partners across Indonesia. This potential can be used to introduce Indonesian-made products to the global arena through export activities. One of them is the potential of Pertamina's fostered MSEs in Central Java Regional (JBT), which are dominated by culture and handicraft-based businesses.

Sr. SPV CSR & SMEPP MOR IV of Pertamina, Marthia Mulia Asri, said the potential for local businesses under Pertamina JBT is quite significant, especially in terms of cultural wealth and crafts. Since 1993, Pertamina JBT has fostered around 3,251 MSEs with 1,458 active partners. Since then, Pertamina has continued to push for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) point 8, namely increasing inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive and comprehensive job opportunities, and decent work for all through the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) programs.

"The potential for handicrafts that are in great demand by the global market include wood crafts, wayang puppets, and batik.  Pertamina's fostered partners' products are used as museum collections abroad because of their uniqueness and high artistic value," she said.

The owner of Joglo Ayu Tenan Jewelry & Artfabric Makerspace, Rahayu Dwiastuti, has become one of the partners of Pertamina JBT, which has gone global. Several times its products have been exported to Japan and are in the preparation stage for other countries.

"Thanks to the training and guidance provided by Pertamina during the pandemic, we were able to shift to online sales more quickly. Until finally, we got a buyer from Yogya who lives in Tokyo. We are also in the process of discussing with potential buyers from Finland. Hopefully, Pertamina can continue to accompany us so that we can export independently later," said Rahayu.

Meanwhile, Founder of Power Commerce and Omni Channel Export, Hadi Kuncoro, conveyed during the talk show themed "Tips for Pertamina to Empower Local MSEs to Global" with Smart FM added, MSEs must be observant in preparing to export. Because, according to Hadi, regulations related to imported goods are different in each country. Therefore, MSEs must research in choosing export destination countries.

"With the assistance of advances in information technology, we can know what is trending in a country. Therefore, we can adapt it to our local products with a slight modification to be accepted in the destination country later," said Hadi.

According to Acting Senior Vice President Corporate Communication & Investor Relations Fajriyah Usman, through the MSE Funding Program, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produce sustainable growth.**

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