
Providing Quality Fuel Through Pertashop, Pertamina Encourages Economic Growth in Villages

Jakarta, November 1, 2021 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading PT Pertamina (Persero), encourages equitable energy access for Indonesia. One of which is by empowering the community in rural areas through the Pertashop program. Pertamina, through the Go Retail strategic program, is committed to improving services and contributes as an agent of state development.

President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Alfian Nasution, explained through synergies with various parties, Pertamina has succeeded in operating 2,973 Pertashop outlets in 2021. As of the end of October 2021, 386 Pertashop outlets have been operating in the Northern Sumatra region, 704 outlets in Southern Sumatra, 301 outlets in Western Java, 643 outlets in Central Java, 397 outlets in Jatimbalinus (East Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara), 216 outlets in Kalimantan, 190 outlets in Sulawesi, and 136 outlets in the Maluku and Papua regions.

"Pertamina has collaborated with the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Villages, PDT and Transmigration, and the Islamic Economic Community (MES) in accelerating the Pertashop program massively and evenly throughout Indonesia. Pertashop existence is expected to guarantee the availability of quality fuel throughout the country, even in areas that have not been reached by distribution agencies," said Alfian.

Last Wednesday (27/10), the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, through the Central and Regional Coordination Meetings in the context of Accelerating the Implementation of Pertashop, provided support in accelerating the licensing process and extending the permit dispensation.

According to Alfian, this Go Collaborative spirit is expected to accelerate the economic recovery amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, Alfian explained, Pertashop is also a new locomotive for village economic development and job creation. To date, Pertashop has also created job opportunities in the village for 7,390 workers.

"In addition to ensuring the availability of quality fuel in remote areas, Pertashop is expected to provide added value and drive the village economy. It includes new jobs and other multiplier effects from the construction of Pertashops using equipment produced by domestic industries," he explained.

Alfian added that Pertamina had distributed 197 million liters of Pertamax-quality fuel to villagers, with the highest national sales in September 2021 reaching 44 million liters. In several outlets, Pertamax sales reached 2,000 liters per day.

Alfian appreciates the loyal consumers of Pertamina's quality fuel, especially consumers who get Pertamax through the official Pertashop distributor. In addition to providing an optimal impact on vehicle engine performance, the use of quality fuel with a higher octane number results in lower exhaust gas emissions, thus contributing to a positive impact on the environment.

"The proportion of Pertamax consumption from Pertashop itself has reached 8.6% of Pertamax consumption nationally. For this reason, we appreciate Pertashop consumers in the village who have started to switch to using Pertamina's quality fuel products," he added.

Pertashop is Pertamina's official distributor on a smaller scale to serve the needs of quality fuels such as Pertamax, Bright Gas, and lubricants that have not been served by Pertamina's official distributors such as gas stations. Pertashop presents products with the same quality and price as gas stations, the right amount, and safety.

For information about the Pertashop partnership application, see https://kemitraan.pertamina.com. Meanwhile, for information regarding Pertamina's products and services, the public can contact the Pertamina Call Center at 135.**

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