
PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Plaju Unit, Received the Highest Appreciation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the Field of Oil and Gas Safety

Palembang, September 28, 2021 – Pertamina through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) Plaju Unit won the Subroto Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in the Oil and Gas Safety Sector given virtually by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.

The Subroto Award is the highest appreciation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to stakeholders who have outstanding achievements in advancing the ESDM sector. This year, the Subroto Award was held virtually and attended by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, and Minister of Mines and Energy period of March 29, 1978 – March 21, 1988, Professor Subroto, to present ten awards to the winners.

Professor Subroto expressed his gratitude that this year he was able to hold the fourth Subroto award. In his speech, he conveyed the importance of environmental care.

“And the most essential thing now first is the obligation to reduce emissions that cause global warming, second is the result of global warming that makes environmental chaos. So we are now entering the energy transition. We are faced with three problems: Firstly, reducing emissions, secondly, environmental damage, and thirdly, the speed of being able to use NRE (New Renewable Energy) resources to replace fossil resources because it is not an easy job for the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, “said Subroto.

On the same occasion, Arifin Tasrif said that the Subroto award is the highest appreciation in the energy and mineral resources sector for stakeholders that have given their best performance as a reflection of Professor Subroto’s spirit in advancing the ESDM sector in Indonesia.

“From year to year, the ESDM sector has an important role in the national economy and improves people’s welfare. After the Covid-19 pandemic was under control, ESDM began to rise and show improvement with strategic achievements,” said Arifin.

Arifin also hopes that this award will be reflected to continue to adapt to work faster in understanding the dynamic world. He also shared how the Government is ready to face global challenges in overcoming climate change through EBT.

The Subroto Award has entered the fourth year since 2017. The name Subroto itself is taken from Prof. Subroto as Minister of Mines and Energy period 1978-1988. Prof. Broto also attended, and he just celebrated his 98th birthday on September 19.

The Subroto Award in the National Energy Efficiency Sector is an appreciation to energy users, both government and private companies, which have succeeded in implementing energy conservation in their areas and encouraging all energy users to conserve energy.

As an appreciation and motivation, awards are also given to geothermal business entities which have been managing well and following the applicable laws and regulations in geothermal Occupational Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection (K3LL). Geothermal exploitation activities are high-risk activities that require high technology and large investments. They need to be managed with a K3LL management system integrated with the company’s management system. Geothermal exploitation activities will provide optimal results if the K3LL paradigm is the top priority for every geothermal business sector.

After receiving the award, General Manager of Pertamina Refinery Unit (GM RU) III Plaju, Moh. Hasan Efendi expressed his gratitude for achieving this highest appreciation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

“I represent all RU III Plaju workers, would like to express the gratitude and appreciation for the Subroto award. It, of course, will always motivate all of us to continue paying attention to all elements, including safety, security, achieving profit, and reliability of the refinery operation business. Furthermore, keep supporting us so that we can continue to produce the best energy for the nation,” concluded Hasan.

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