
PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim Synergizes with the Government through the Sorong Regency Musrenbang

Sorong, April 3, 2023 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Kasim Unit fulfilled an invitation to take part in the 2023 RKPD Musrembang of Sorong Regency on Friday, March 31, 2023, where the 2024 RKPD Development Plan Meeting (Musrenbang) was held at the Sorong Regency Level. PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim attended as a business entity that participates in community empowerment in Sorong Regency, especially in the area around the company.

The Musrenbang was held in the Baperlitbang (planning, research, and development agency) of Sorong Regency's Meeting Room. The theme carried out for the 2023 Musrenbang is "realizing people's economic recovery through infrastructure services, handling stunting, and reducing poverty."

Yan Piet Mosso, the Acting Regent of Sorong, said that the Musrenbang must create programs that follow national and regional development.

"Musrembang is Sorong Regency's direction plan and policy development for the next year. The planned program must be pro-community. We build infrastructure such as roads and bridges. We also pay attention to sanitation and community housing. Then for stunting, we are on 28.7%, while poverty alleviation is 27.78%."

PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim is part of the development actors through the Social and Environmental Responsibility Program that has been carried out. Thus there is a need for synergy between the government and companies to empower the community.

Dodi Yapsenang, Area Manager Comm, Rail, CSR & Comp, said his party will strive to empower the community and support national and regional issues.

The TJSL program so far is in line with programs from the government. For example, the program in handling stunting has been implemented since 2019 in the form of a posyandu boat for the Posyandu Puskesmas Distrik Seget team to travel around the village providing posyandu facilities working with posyandu cadres, health centers, and the local government.

Regarding MSMEs, PT KPI Kasim Unit is also part of the Pertamina Group and SOE. In this case, this MSME program is for any MSME actors to develop a business with soft loan capital. Following the directions and expectations of the Regent of Sorong Regency regarding the recovery of the community's economy after the Covid-19 pandemic, so that the community's economy in Sorong Regency can reincrease and redevelop," Dodi Yapsenang said 

PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional RU VII Kasim has carried out community empowerment programs that support meeting basic needs and community independence, endemic animal conservation, assisting the climate village program, and so on.**

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