
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga JBT Ensures Avtur Supply for Hajj Flights at Adi Soemarmo Airport

Solo, May 16, 2024 - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Region (JBT) ensures Avtur (aviation fuel) supply for Hajj Flights departure at Adi Soemarmo Airport, Boyolali Regency, Central Java. The embarkation at Adi Soemarmo Airport consists of 100 flight groups this year.

Brasto Galih Nugroho, Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & Corporate Social Responsibility of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Region stated that the Hajj flight phase is divided into two periods: Phase 1 from May 12 to June 9, 2024, and Phase 2 from June 21 to July 20, 2024.

"The estimated Avtur distribution for Phase 1 is approximately 4,300 KL, while for Phase 2, it is estimated at around 7,720 KL," he said.

Brasto added that during the Hajj flight departure period, the daily consumption of Avtur at the Adi Soemarmo Aviation Fuel Terminal (AFT) is predicted to increase from 40 KL per day to 302 KL per day.

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, Central Java Region, has prepared an Avtur supply of up to 12,000 KL for 100 flight groups departing from Solo this year, covering departures and returns.

"This amount represents a 27 percent increase from the 9,394 KL of Avtur consumed during the 2023 Hajj flights. This increase corresponds to flight groups addition from 99 in 2023 to 100 this year," he explained.

"The available Avtur stock at AFT Adi Soemarmo is sufficient to fulfill the 2024 Hajj season needs. The current Avtur stock at AFT Adi Soemarmo can fulfill the needs for up to 18.78 days during this year's Hajj flight period," he concluded.

In a separate occasion, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), added that Pertamina guarantees aviation fuel availability and supply to fulfill the 2024 Hajj flights needs, both in Central Java and nationally.

"Pertamina is playing a role and supporting by providing the best service to ensure that Hajj pilgrims can perform their pilgrimage smoothly," Fadjar explained.

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