
Pursuing 1.1 Giga Watt Target, Pertamina Geothermal Energy Operates 15 Work Areas

Jakarta, March 10, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero), through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE), has added one Geothermal Work Area (WK) to increase the installed capacity of the Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP). Therefore, PGE operates 15 work areas currently.

The new geothermal work area, whose development permit has been given to PGE, is located in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi. Previously, PGE has operated in 14 work area located in Seulawah - Aceh, Sibayak - North Sumatra, Sarulla - North Sumatra, Hululais - Bengkulu, Lumut Balai - South Sumatra, Ulubelu - Lampung, Mount Salak - West Java, Wayang Windu - West Java, Drajat - West Java, Kamojang - West Java, Karaha - West Java, Mount Lawu - Central Java, Bedugul - Bali, and Lahendong - North Sulawesi.

Currently, the installed capacity of Geothermal Power Plant, which PGE operates alone, is 672 MW. Following Pertamina's master plan, geothermal development in the next five years will increase sharply. It is targeted to double up to 1,112 Megawatts (1.1 Gigawatts) by 2026.

In addition to PGE's operations, Pertamina also manages geothermal energy with partners through a joint operation contract with an installed capacity of 1,205 MW. With the overall management of geothermal development, Pertamina is expected to guarantee the fulfillment of clean energy in the future.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto, explained that Pertamina continues to strive to provide environmentally friendly energy that is needed in the future. Through 15 geothermal project work areas, Pertamina will realize an energy transition program where new and renewable energy will reach 30% by 2030.

"The geothermal potential in Indonesia is very high, including the second largest in the world, but only 7 percent has been developed. With Pertamina's roadmap, in the next five years, it will double," he said.

Agus added that Pertamina would also seek 4 MW through the Badak Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Kalimantan in the energy transition program. Solar Cell Panels have also been installed in 63 locations spread across DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java.

"Pertamina is also targeting the installation of Solar Cell Panels at all Pertamina petrol stations with an installed capacity of 385 kWp," he said.

Pertamina is also developing clean energy that will generate electricity by constructing a Bio-Gas Power Plant (PLTBg) in collaboration with PT Perkebunan Negara II in Sei Mangkei in Simalungun North Sumatra, with a total capacity of 2.4 MW.

One of the national projects that are also the focus of Pertamina continued Agus is the Jawa-1 Steam Gas Power Plant (PLTGU) project in Cilamaya, West Java, with up to 1,760 MW capacity.

Strategic initiatives to encourage Pertamina's green transition program, continued Agus, was also carried out in the manufacturing sector. After the successful trial of Green Diesel (D100) production at the Dumai Refinery of 1,000 barrels per day, Pertamina is also developing Green Energy through Revamp TDHT at the Cilacap Refinery with a production target of 6,000 barrels per day targeted onstream in 2022. Standalone biorefinery at the Plaju refinery with a capacity of 20,000 barrels per day.

In the middle line of business, since 2019, Pertamina has implemented Biodiesel plus 30%, which is implemented throughout Indonesia, to reduce diesel imports by 1.6 billion dollars per year.

"Pertamina will also develop low-calorie coal gasification into DME to substitute LPG as an effort to reduce imports. All of the strategic initiatives that Pertamina has taken to ensure the availability of clean energy in the future are based on the spirit to provide better energy to the community and the environment," said Agus.**

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