
Putting Forward Sociopreneur, This Batik Artisans Maintains the Traditional Way to Absorb Many Workers

Jakarta, March 5, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero) 's efforts in preserving the Nusantara culture are manifested in many ways, one of which is by fostering many fine cloth artisans. There have been around 271 batik artisans throughout Indonesia whom the Pertamina Partnership Program has fostered. They are given assistance and programs so that their business can grow up to grade.

One of Pertamina's batik artisans is Zaenal Abidin. The owner of Batik Gedog Zaenal MSE is strong enough to hold the distinctiveness characteristic of batik of Tuban Regency, East Java. Especially the way of production, which is considered still traditional. "The traditional method will require many workers, so that job opportunities are wide open," he said.

Also, because it is handmade, the quality of the batik cloth produced can be maintained. In terms of motifs, colors, and patterns, it can have more attention than using a machine. No doubt, the number of workers empowered by Zaenal is in the hundreds. They consist of homemakers and residents who need jobs.

"For the number of permanent employees, there are 25 people. Meanwhile, there are about 100 employees who take the work to take home," he explained. This effort is one of the implementations of the SDGs 8th goal, which is to provide work and support economic growth as well as the application of ESG in the social sector.

Early in his journey, Zainal began his career by marketing his friend's batik to the island of Bali, and it was always sold out. Automatically this father of two children gets many customers on the island of the gods. That made Zainal want to produce his own hand-written Gedog batik. And only realized in 1978, he opened his business in Jarorejo Village, Kerek District, Tuban Regency.

Prices are set for their products ranging from IDR 50,000 to IDR 1 million per item. Its products have been marketed around the Tuban, Bali, to Jakarta areas. Assisted by promotion via social media @batikzaenal, the marketing has expanded even more until he can make a turnover of around IDR 150 million per month.

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Agus Suprijanto added, Pertamina will continue to support local cultural products to make it more global. Moreover, batik itself has now become a world cultural heritage. "We must protect all of this by preserving batik craftsmen and helping them to survive and advance to Go Global. Following the spirit of Energizing You, Pertamina helps all its fostered partners become developing and independent partners," Agus concluded.**

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