
Quick Response, Pertamina Distributes Logistics and 15 Thousand Liters of Clean Water

Cilacap, November 15, 2021 – PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Cilacap Unit moved quickly to distribute various aids, from logistics to clean water for residents in the area around the refinery operations. This activity was carried out in response to the fire incident in tank 36 T – 102, which occurred on Saturday night (13/11/2021) which was then successfully extinguished on Sunday morning (14/11/2021).

Clean water assistance in collaboration with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Cilacap Regency as many as 2 tanks or 10 thousand liters was distributed to RT 04 RW 20 Donan Village, Central Cilacap District, and the next 1 tank was distributed to RW 5 Karang Talun Village, North Cilacap District. Previously, logistical assistance was also re-distributed at the Lomanis Village Hall, Central Cilacap District. Among them are 1,700 rice boxes, 30 snack boxes, and 20 boxes of mineral water.

Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & CSR of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Unit Cilacap, Cecep Supriyatna said this assistance was the company's commitment to resolve the impact of the incident in one of the Pertamina tanks. "We apologize to the public for what happened to the Pertamina tank. This assistance is our commitment and responsibility," he said.

Furthermore, Cecep said Pertamina also dispatched a team to directly see the impact that occurred in the residents after the fire. “Our team is divided into several points in the districts and villages in the operational area of the refinery. We want to ensure that the assistance that is distributed really goes to the people who are affected,” he added.

As it is known, the fire that occurred on Saturday night (13/11/2021) at 19.20 WIB was successfully extinguished on Sunday morning (14/11/2021) at 07.45 WIB and was declared completely safe at 09.15 WIB. Pertamina ensures that this incident has absolutely no effect on the production or distribution of fuel.**

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