
Quickly Resolve Subsidized Solar Misuse, Pertamina Appreciates the East Kalimantan Police

Balikpapan, March 31, 2022 – PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan appreciates the success of the East Kalimantan Region Police in resolving the subsidized diesel fuel misuse. It was conveyed by the Communication & CSR Kalimantan Region Area Manager, Susanto August Satria, at a press conference at the Polda Kaltim on Thursday (31/3). The press conference was also attended by the Director of Criminal Investigation of the East Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Indra Lutrianto Amstono, the Head of Public Relations for the East Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Yusuf Sutejo, and the Kapolresta Balikpapan, Kombes Pol V Thirdy Hadmiarso.

In his explanation, the Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Yusuf Sutejo, expressed the success achieved is due to good cooperation and reports from the community. "We received information from the public about the alleged existence of business actors selling subsidized fuel. During an investigation, three suspects were arrested who were proven to have misused subsidized diesel fuel for personal gain with evidence of more than 1 ton of subsidized diesel," said Yusuf.

Furthermore, his party revealed a 6-wheeled truck that modified the tank capacity to 400 liters and sold subsidized diesel to industries that should use non-subsidized diesel. "The arrest of 4 suspects in the misuse of subsidized diesel is certainly an answer to public unrest whose rights have been taken by irresponsible people," he added.

Susanto August Satria, Area Manager of Communication & CSR for Kalimantan Region, stated that the East Kalimantan Police acted quickly to resolve this diesel subsidies misuse. "We appreciate the police officers, in this case, the East Kalimantan Regional Police Chief and his staff, for moving quickly in taking action against individuals who misuse subsidized diesel fuel intended for people in need," he said.

He explained that the East Kalimantan Police had an important role in maintaining the fuel distribution channel, namely as the party authorized to crack down on the subsidized diesel misuse in the community. "This act of misusing subsidized fuel is certainly very detrimental to the community, and the perpetrators can be charged with criminal law. We urge the public to immediately report if fraud is found in the field," stated Satria.

Satria explained that Pertamina opened a line for people who need further information regarding products or complaints in service through Pertamina's contact at 135 or the public can access Pertamina's official website at www.pertamina.com.**

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