
Reaching 1 Million Registrants, The First Step for More Targeted Fuel Subsidies

Jakarta, August 31, 2022 - As a business entity tasked with distributing fuel subsidies, Pertamina Patra Niaga is committed to providing Pertalite and Solar for the community. Besides ensuring its availability, Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero), also initiated the Subsidi Tepat Program registration as an effort for the subsidy to be more targeted.

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Irto Ginting, explained that the Subsidi Tepat Program currently aims to record vehicles using Pertalite and Solar.

“Pertamina needs to record the subsidized fuel consumption thus it can be closely monitored and prevent fraud in the field. Focusing on registration and socialization, ensuring the system and operations readiness in the field to develop the revision of Presidential Regulation No. 191 the year 2014, which is the goal determination for subsidized fuel,” Irto explained.

Until the end of August, more than one million vehicles have been registered in the Subsidi Tepat Program. There is a slight shift, where the number of vehicles with Pertalite types is almost 70%, and subsidized Solar users have increased to more than 30%.

"From this data, Pertalite users who register are still dominated by private users. As for Solar, the composition is quite balanced between private and public vehicle users," Irto added.

With the increasing registrant number, Pertamina Patra Niaga adds direct registration points to make it easier for the public. For people with internet and mobile access, online registration is accessible through the website subsiditepat.mypertamina.id and the Subsidi Tepat menu in the MyPertamina application.

"There are more than 1,300 offline registration booth points spread throughout Indonesia, the location can be checked via https://mypertamina.id/location-pendaftaran-offline-bbm-subsidi-tepat. In addition, to encourage people to register, we also ensure that the inspection process runs optimally. Thus, the process can be carried out on time," Irto continued.

Irto also continues to remind people entitled to fuel subsidies to register their vehicles. Pertamina Patra Niaga is also testing the QR Code verification readiness at several points.

In the future, the Subsidi Tepat Program will be synergized with the subsidy fuel determined by the government.

"This is a step by the Government and Pertamina in ensuring that fuel subsidies are more appropriate, to protect for people who are entitled to enjoy fuel subsidies, vulnerable people who need energy at affordable prices for their needs," Irto concluded.

For more information about the Subsidi Tepat Program, check the official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga, @mypertamina, subsiditepat.mypertamina.id website, and contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) at 135.**

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