
Ready to Face Homecoming, Pertamina Prepares Fuel Filling Service

Banyumas, April 18, 2022 - Ahead of the 2022 Eid Homecoming Flow predicted to take place from April 27 to May 1, 2022, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Central Java (JBT) prepared facilities for fuel (BBM) distribution, especially on the Trans Java Highway, Central Java. Executive General Manager of Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Central Java, Dwi Puja Arestya, stated in his press statement while accompanying Tutuka Ariadji, Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources who inspected several petrol stations on the southern route in Banyumas on Friday (15/4).

Dwi said that this visit intends to ensure readiness both in terms of petrol stations infrastructure and stock that travelers and logistical transportation will pass whose mobilization increased ahead of Eid.

"We accompanied the director-general team review of oil and gas along the southern route of Java after reviewing the southern route of West Java (Tasik and Garut). Yesterday we visited the petrol stations around Banyumas, namely in Cilacap (Majenang District & Cimanggu District) then to the Ajibarang Banyumas petrol station and ended with petrol station review in the northern route, Tegal and Brebes," explained Dwi.

Dwi also explained Pertamina's readiness for petrol station services on the Trans Java toll road.

"There are seven regular petrol stations available on the Trans Java Toll Road between KM 252 to KM 519. Three petrol stations in Toll A (Jakarta to Surabaya) are located at KM 379, KM 429, and KM 519. While four petrol stations on Toll Road B (Surabaya to Jakarta) are located at KM 519, KM 389, KM 360, and KM 260," Dwi said.

In addition, Pertamina has also prepared additional charging services at several other rest area points.

"For some rest area points with no petrol stations, we have also prepared additional filling services of eight Pertashop units and one modular petrol station. Five are on Toll Road A, namely at KM 252, KM 275, KM 338, KM 456, and KM 519. While the other 4 points are on Toll Road B, to be precise at KM 519, KM 456, KM 294, and KM 282, " he explained.

He also said that petrol stations located on strategic routes were alerted 24 hours with full stock to anticipate the need for refueling.

Dwi added that Pertamina also alerted Pertamina's motorists to serve fuel filling is urgently needed on toll roads and congested lanes in case of queues.

"If needed, we will also mobilize Pertamina motorists on daily duty in Pertamina Delivery Service (PDS) to cut long queues when filling up fuel at every Trans Java Toll petrol station or other lanes that experience congestion," Dwi said.

Pertamina prepares an Alert Car that carries packaged fuels to anticipate if consumers run out of fuel in the middle of the toll road.

"There are three standby cars prepared at three points, located at the Tegal toll road exit, the Kaliwungu toll road exit, and the Ngemplak toll exit, Gondangrejo. Consumers only need to contact the Pertamina Call Center at 135," he added.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Region, Brasto Galih Nugroho, said that in addition to fuel filling services, Pertamina would arrange additional fuel supply in tank trucks at numerous petrol stations that are expected to see an increase in demand.

"The tank truck is called a pocket gas station," Brasto said.

He mentioned that as many as 57 tank trucks were prepared at 57 petrol stations, both on the Trans Java Toll Road and outside the Trans Java Toll Road, especially in locations that were crowded with consumers, both in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

"We are committed to serving energy needs so that people can enjoy Ramadan and Eid in peace. We have also activated the BBM and LPG Task Force (Satgas) for Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr since April 11, 2022, and it is planned to end on May 10, 2022," he said.**

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