
Registered Beneficiary of Subsidized Fuel in Jambi Continues to Increase, Pertamina is Committed to Distribute Fuel on Target

Jambi, March 17, 2023 - The Full Cycle implementation of the Subsidized Fuel Program for certain fuel types (JBT) tested in the Jambi region since mid-February 2023 has received positive responses from the community. With this program, the distribution of subsidized fuel, especially solar, will be more targeted.

The Area Manager of Communication, Relation & CSR for Pertamina Regional Sumbagsel, Tjahyo Nikho Indrawan, said that as of March 16, 2023, the number of registrants in Jambi has reached 104,000 registered vehicles for the Subsidized Fuel Program.

"We continue to remind the public that the registration for the Subsidized Fuel Program is still ongoing. We hope the community will immediately register for the Subsidized Fuel Program through subsiditepat.mypertamina.id. For those with difficulty registering independently, we have officers available at petrol stations to assist the public," explained Nikho.

Since the Full Cycle implementation of the subsidized fuel program in Jambi, the daily consumption of Bio Solar fuel in the Jambi region has decreased by around 15% compared to the previous daily average.

To register, consumers need to prepare documents that will be uploaded through the website, such as a photo of their ID card, self photo, a photo of the front and back of their vehicle registration, a photo of their vehicle, front license plate photo, and a photo of their vehicle inspection certificate (KIR) for those who use it.

For further information and inquiries regarding the Subsidized Fuel Program, the public can access the website page subsiditepat.mypertamina.id or contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) at 135.**

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