
Reliability of the Refinery and Competent Workers, PT KPI RU Sei Pakning Produce and Lift First LSFO Successfully

Dumai, July 21, 2022 - As a form of refinery reliability and a commitment to reduce air pollution, especially from ship's fuel utilization, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) Refinery Unit (RU) II Sei Pakning succeeded in producing and exporting the first Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (LSFO) product, Sunday (17/07). 

200 Mega Barrels (MB) of environmentally friendly marine fuel products, LSFO V-1250, were successfully produced and shipped using MT. Sanggau with Malaysia as the destination export.

LSFO is a ship fuel that has complied with Marine Pollution and the Directorate General of Sea Transportation – Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia's regulations, which has up to a maximum of 180 centistokes (cSt) viscosity at a 50°C temperature. This fuel is utilized in the shipping industry that uses a low-speed diesel engine with a 0.5% limit to maximum sulfur content.

Moreover, the obligation to use low sulfur fuel is stated in the Circular Letter of the Director General of Sea Transportation No. SE 35 of 2019 concerning the Obligation to Use Low Sulfur Fuel and the Prohibition of Transporting or Carrying Fuel that Does not Meet the Requirements and Management of Waste from Exhaust Gas Recirculation from Ships.

It is also supported by the issuance of the Director General of Oil and Gas Decree No. 0179.K/DJM.S/2019 concerning Standards and Quality (Specifications) of Low Sulfur Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) which are marketed domestically.

Area Manager of Communication, Relations, & CSR of PT KPI RU II, Nurhidayanto, revealed that the LSFO V-1250 production is also in line with PT KPI's mission to run the oil refinery and petrochemical business while remaining environmentally friendly.

"In addition to complying with regulations, the LSFO V-1250 production is also PT KPI RU II Dumai-Sei Pakning's form of participation in efforts to reduce pollution arising from ship fuel utilization," he said.

Based on a 2016 study presented to the IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in Finland, air pollution from marine fuel is projected to add 570,000 premature deaths worldwide over five years if sulfur content is not restricted.

"The LSFO V-1250 production indicates that PT KPI Sei Pakning's refinery is flexible in producing a variety of products and responds to the challenge of being able to produce valuable products," said Production Manager of Sei Pakning, Antoni R Doloksaribu.

"We hope that there will be more innovations created by PT KPI RU II Perwira and Pertiwi so that they can maximize the Dumai and Sei Pakning refineries' potential in making high-value products on the market," conveyed Nurhidayanto.

On the previous occasion, PT KPI RU II Dumai-Sei Pakning had also produced 50 ppm Pertadex in 2021. The Dumai and Sei Pakning refineries also produced the first product Pertamax, High-Speed ​​Diesel (HSD) 50 ppm, and Green Diesel (D100).**

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