
Responding to Climate Change, Kasim Refinery Promotes Food Security through Sustainable Agriculture

Kasim, June 9, 2024 - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Kasim Unit has partnered with the Sorong Regency Food Security Agency to conduct sustainable agriculture outreach. This initiative is a serious effort to address climate change.

The outreach was conducted in three villages and one hamlet in the Seget District over three consecutive days. “This is our response to the rising global temperatures caused by significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities, leading to the trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere,” explained Bambang Imawan, Acting Area Manager of Communications, Relations, CSR & Compliance of Kasim Refinery.

He mentioned that these climate change-focused activities are conducted annually. “In the past three years, ten villages supported by Kasim Refinery have participated in the Kampung Iklim (Climate Village) program. It includes meeting local food needs and promoting sustainable agriculture,” Bambang added.

In Kampung Iklim, Kasim Refinery regularly provides agricultural training to the community to ensure local food security, which impacts stunting reduction. “Through our Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, we contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, and 13, which are crucial for the Seget District as a remote area of the company,” Bambang emphasized.

Bambang further explained that the sustainable agriculture program focuses on ecological and economic aspects. “Agriculture should not only pursue financial profit but also consider its impact on nature and society. Its main principle is resources wise utilization,” he stated.

Ernawati, Head of Food Consumption and Diversification of the Sorong Regency Food Security Agency, said food security in the Seget District must be based on easily accessible local resources. “The community needs to be able to farm and garden to provide sufficient nutrition for children, thus preventing malnutrition or stunting,” she said.

She continued that the knowledge transfer of productive farming techniques from Kasim Refinery, through the Sorong Food Security Agency, should be well utilized by the community. “This is a concrete effort by the company to prevent hunger and food shortages in the area around the company,” Ernawati remarked.

Ernawati added the Sorong Food Security Agency constantly monitors dozens of districts to ensure that the community can learn to fulfill adequate daily nutrition. “This is very important to reduce the high stunting rates in the Southwest Papua region,” Ernawati concluded.**

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