
Riko Naufal Umpratama (left) and Daffa Raihan Hilmy in a photo with a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City University Of Technology (HCMUT) Vietnam, while undergoing a student exchange program which is a collaboration between PHR and UIR.

Riko Naufal's Experience Studying Abroad

The Story of the PHR Student Exchange Program Winners to Vietnam

Pekanbaru, January 23, 2023 - Riko Naufal Umpratama could not hide his pride and happiness when he received the news that he had passed the PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Student Exchange program selection in the third week of November 2022.

Along with his friend, Daffa Raihan Hilmy, Riko, had the opportunity to study at Ho Chi Minh City University Of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam. "After going through the selection and interviews, I am delighted and proud to be selected and participate in the student exchange program," said the Universitas Islam Riau (UIR) Petroleum Engineering student.

Following his two best friends, Adrian Saputra and Dewa Zelvino Wanda, two UIR students recently returned from the Student Internship Program at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, Riko, was motivated to join this program after receiving information from the UIR Petroleum Engineering Study Program. Moreover, he has completed all the theories in college, as well as can speak English as one of the requirements to join the program.

"My English is at an intermediate level. But the most important thing is the confidence to keep learning. Until now, I am still learning for a higher level," said Riko enthusiastically.

High motivation in studying science led this 22-year-old to participate in the student exchange program, a collaboration between PHR and Universitas Islam Riau (UIR).

For Riko, being able to study at Ho Chi Minh City University Of Technology (HCMUT), one of the best campuses in the petroleum field in Southeast Asia, is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

“I want to gain deeper insight into the petroleum engineering field. Apart from that, I can also learn about lectures at Ho Chi Minh City University Of Technology, Vietnam,” he said.

Arriving in Vietnam on Saturday (14/12), Riko and Daffa were warmly welcomed by the faculty and students. A disciplined and punctual student culture is a valuable experience while undergoing the lecture process in Vietnam.

“After lecture activities, many students prefer to study material on campus, especially in the library provided by the campus,” he said.

There were no obstacles during the teaching and learning process at the HCMUT campus. The lecture process went smoothly because previously, Riko and his colleague Daffa had submitted work plans or activities to the campus, especially regarding the Prosper Software and Computer Modeling Group (CMG) Software utilization.

According to Riko, deepening this two software utilization is the main discussion in lecture material at the Vietnam HCMUT campus. Prosper Software is a simulation software to analyze oil and gas wells' performance using the nodal analysis method. Sensitivity calculations can facilitate well design for optimization. Meanwhile, CMG Software is a reservoir simulation software.

"In our undergraduate class activities, we participate in the Reservoir Characterization & Modeling and Software Prosper classes. We also take part in the Petroleum Field Development Engineering class," he explained.

Apart from attending lectures, Riko and his friend Daffa also had the opportunity to participate in a seminar held by the GeoSoftware company in collaboration with the SEAPEX organization. Riko admitted that he had valuable experience during his 30 days studying at the campus. His knowledge of petroleum science is increasing, especially in the Reservoir Modeling and Production field.

"We got new friends and lecturers, thus so we got new networking. This activity was very memorable and useful for life in the future," he said.

Riko hopes the PHR education program will continue and provide opportunities for other students. This activity is considered capable of increasing student competence in the petroleum science field.

PHR, through Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) programs, seeks to become a bridge to the future. Opportunities do not just come and must be pursued together. It was these opportunities that were taken by young people like Riko, Daffa, Dewa, and Adrian, as well as thousands of beneficiaries of the TJSL PHR programs.

In 2023, PHR, with the Pertamina Foundation, also launched an Achievement Scholarship Program in the form of International Masters Scholarships and Pertamina University Undergraduate Scholarships. Riau's Youth, get ready to obtain the opportunity to achieve higher education.


PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) is one of Pertamina's subsidiaries engaged in the upstream oil and gas business under the Upstream Subholding, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). PHR was established on December 20, 2018.

Pertamina received the mandate from the Indonesian Government to manage the Rokan Working Area since August 9, 2021. Pertamina assigned PHR to carry out the transferring management process from the previous operator. The transition process is safe, smooth, and reliable. PHR will continue to manage Rokan WK for 20 years, from August 9, 2021, to August 8, 2041.

Rokan WK's operating area is approximately 6,200 km2 located in 7 regencies/cities in Riau Province. There are 80 active fields with 11,300 wells and 35 gathering stations. Rokan WK produces a quarter of the national crude oil or a third of Pertamina's production. Apart from producing oil and gas for the country, PHR manages social and environmental responsibility programs focusing on education, health, community economy, and the environment.

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