
Rumah BUMN Pertamina Masterclass Presents Successful and Inspirational Go Global MSEs

Jakarta, December 13, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero) celebrated its 64th year on December 10, 2021. One of the series of events held to commemorate Pertamina's anniversary is the Masterclass activity by Rumah BUMN (RB) Pertamina, held virtually on Friday (10/12). The event was attended by hundreds of RB Pertamina's fostered MSEs across 30 points in Indonesia.

The activity was opened by the Acting Vice President of CSR & SMEPP Management of PT Pertamina (Persero), Rudi Ariffianto, followed by remarks from the Special Staff of the Minister of SOEs, Arya Sinulingga. During the presentation, Arya was at the Bengkulu Rumah BUMN.

"We will continue to encourage Rumah BUMN, including this RB managed by Pertamina in Bengkulu. The potential that exists in Bengkulu is significant, so it must continue to be supported by increasing adequate facilities," said Arya while showing several products belonging to RB Bengkulu's fostered partners.

Arya added that currently, MSEs need to get support to become upgraded MSEs. After Go Digital, Arya encourages more MSEs to Go Online. "After that, we will target to become MSEs Go Global. Congratulations on participating in the training and also happy 64th anniversary for Pertamina," he concluded.

There were also several speakers from Go Global MSE present at the event. Meeta Fauzan, a designer and boutique owner in the Coblong area, Bandung City. She has been in this field for a long time. "I started the business around 1994. Initially, I designed ordinary clothes for college or parties. In 2003, we focused on the Muslim fashion sector," said Meeta.

It is precisely in this field that her business has begun developing. In 2018, Meeta had the opportunity to exhibit her work at the Paris Eiffel Tower. Meeta brought Muslim clothing with Indonesian patterns combined with woven fabrics and batik.

There is also Isna Wati, the business owner of Azima Black Garlic from RB Banjarmasin, and Farida, the owner of the King Madu Borneo business from RB Berau. Both admitted that they were grateful to be assisted by RB Pertamina. They have gained a lot of new knowledge through various development and empowerment programs for MSEs.

Meanwhile, Vice President Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fajriyah Usman, added, through the Rumah BUMN and the spirit of Energizing Your Future, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produces sustainable growth. Pertamina also continues to encourage MSEs to upgrade and Go Global.

Pertamina, which is now 64 years old, continues to support SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement through ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs implementation in all its operational areas. It is part of the Environmental and Social Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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