
SOE Hospital Holding Appoints New Board of Directors and Commissioners

Jakarta, July 28, 2024 - PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC (IHC), the Holding of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Hospitals, has announced new appointments to its Board of Directors and Commissioners. These changes were ratified by a Circular Resolution of Shareholders on July 26, 2024.

Alvin Christian has been appointed as Director of Finance and Risk Management at PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC. Alvin previously served as the Managing Director and Regional Head of Service Delivery – Asia Pacific at TMF Group. His appointment is expected to bring new perspectives and robust strategies in managing the company's finances and risk, in line with IHC's vision and mission to innovate and grow in the healthcare sector.

Additionally, the shareholders have appointed Arianti Anaya as the new Independent Commissioner of IHC. Arianti Anaya, with a solid track record in management and governance, is expected to enhance corporate governance at IHC. Henry Hendrawan has also been reappointed as an Independent Commissioner, continuing his valuable contributions to the company.

The current composition of the IHC Board of Commissioners and Directors is as follows:

Board of Directors:

  1. President Director: Vacant
  2. Director of Medical Affairs: Dr. Lia Gardenia Partakusuma
  3. Director of Finance and Risk Management: Alvin Christian
  4. Director of Commercial Affairs: Harmeni Wijaya
  5. Director of Transformation: Ashok Bajpai (effective from August 12, 2024)

Board of Commissioners:

  1. Chief Commissioner: Farid Harianto
  2. Commissioner: Dr. L. Rizka Andalucia, Apt., M.Pharm, MARS
  3. Commissioner: Prof. Dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD-KEMD, Ph.D.
  4. Commissioner: Aristo Setiawidjaja
  5. Commissioner: Jeffrey Holman Staples
  6. Independent Commissioner: Henry Setiadi Hendrawan
  7. Independent Commissioner: Arianti Anaya

The Director of Strategy, Portfolio, and Business Development at PT Pertamina (Persero), representing the majority shareholder, emphasized that the appointment of the new board members reflects IHC's commitment to strengthening its organizational structure to meet the increasingly complex challenges in the healthcare industry.

"This appointment is part of a strategic effort by the shareholders to ensure that IHC is prepared to face the evolving dynamics and challenges in the healthcare sector. We believe that with strong, integrity-driven, and visionary leadership, IHC will continue to advance in providing high-quality healthcare services," he stated.

With the appointment of the new board members, IHC is increasingly optimistic about achieving its vision and mission of ensuring national health resilience and becoming a leading and trusted healthcare company in Indonesia. IHC is committed to continuously improving the quality of healthcare services provided to the community and solidifying its position as the leading SOE Hospital Holding.

Vice President of Corporate Communication at PT Pertamina (Persero), Fadjar Djoko Santoso, added that IHC, as a subsidiary of Pertamina's healthcare services sector, is expected to continue enhancing the performance of the SOE Hospital Holding to an international standard.**

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