
SOE Hospital Holding Completes Construction of the First Brain and Heart Hospital in Eastern Indonesia

March 31, 2022 – Pertamedika IHC, as the Holding of an SOE Hospital, has completed the construction of the first Brain and Heart Hospital (RSOJ) in Eastern Indonesia. Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya Hospital is a big step for Pertamedika IHC as the holding of an SOE Hospital to improve national health resilience by providing easy access to people in Eastern Indonesia.

The RSOJ was inaugurated and started operating on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, under the name RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya. The construction of the hospital, in which all service standards and facilities are type B, was completed within eight months from July 2021.

RSOJ occupies an area of 5,705 square meters with an 11,389 square meters building area consisting of one main building and one supporting building. Located in a strategic location, a new development area of Makassar city, RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya, is only about 8 kilometers from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar. It makes it more convenient for people from both inside and outside the country to seek treatment.

Present at the inauguration are the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri by online, Minister of SOE Erick Thohir, Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati, and President Director of Pertamedika IHC Fatema Djan Rachmat.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Erick Thohir positively welcomed the presence of the Brain and Heart Hospital (RSOJ) in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Erick appreciated the hard work of the SOE hospital holding, Pertamedika IHC, which completed the first RSOJ construction in Eastern Indonesia under the name Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya Hospital.

"Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya Hospital is Pertamina IHC's big step as an SOE Hospital Holding in improving national health resilience by providing easy access to people in Eastern Indonesia," Erick said at the inauguration of the RSOJ on Wednesday (30/3/2022).

At the inauguration, the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, explained that the RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya construction aims to provide superior neurology and heart health services for all levels of society with various degrees of difficulty, both for patients from inside and outside the country.

The 2021 data stated that 21.1% of Indonesians died due to stroke, which became the number one cause of death. Moreover, the number of people in South Sulawesi who suffered from stroke was 17.0 percent or the highest in Indonesia.

As the only leading hospital that provides health services in neurology, heart, blood vessels, and nervous system, this hospital is prepared to be a referral center for brain and heart health services in Eastern Indonesia. Therefore, with RSOJ, people in Maluku, Ambon, Manado, Papua, and surrounding areas can get adequate health services without coming to Jakarta or abroad.

The President Director of Pertamedika IHC, Fathema Djan Rachmat, expressed her optimism about the RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya role which is expected to become a national reference center in Eastern Indonesia.

"As the front line for SOE health, Pertamedika IHC is committed to being present in the community through Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya Hospital as a pioneer in special health services for the Brain and Heart in Eastern Indonesia with the best quality service," said Fathema.

The RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya comes with a capacity of 105 beds consisting of 80 Inpatient Rooms (VVIP, VIP, Class 3, Class 2, and Class 1), 8 ICU/NICU/PICU Treatments, 7 ICCU Treatments, and 10 Isolation Rooms. This hospital is also supported by comprehensive services of 3 Surgical Rooms for Cardiac and Neurology, 2 Cathlabs for Interventional Surgery, and Cardiology.

This hospital is also equipped with advanced medical equipment, including MSCT 128 slices, MRI 1.5 tesla, and neurodiagnostic equipment. This hospital also has an emergency room service with ten beds equipped with a ventilator, hemonidynamic monitor, Triage Room, Resuscitation Room, Action Room, PONEK Room, Isolation Room, and Observation Room.

Through the integrated service unit application, this hospital also provides polyclinic services, hemodialysis, child services, medical rehabilitation, and medical check-up services. Meanwhile, for supporting installations, there are nutrition rooms, laboratories, radiology, physiotherapy, CSSD, Laundry, and Pharmacy. Every room at the RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya is equipped with a pneumatic tube system as a means of transporting data or samples using air volume to create a more effective and efficient work system.

Furthermore, Pertamedika IHC as the largest hospital network in Indonesia is passionately working on this hospital by preparing reliable and competent medical personnel consisting of general practitioners, specialists, and sub-specialists as well as other professional medical support personnel.

By carrying out the Smart Hospital concept, which is supported by advanced and latest technology utilization, the RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya also implements digital-based service innovations, which are the service standards at the IHC Group Hospital.

To support this service, an Integrated Hospital System (One Solution System), which is connected to Electronic Medical Records and digital medical data services, patient medical services, BPJS Bridging, diagnostic and laboratory services has been prepared.

In addition, the hospital information system at Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya Hospital is also connected to the IHC Telemed application, which can function as online registration, online consultation, and patient referrals to clinics and hospitals.

The completeness of supporting infrastructure and the internet of things equipped with a command center, CCTV, and patient monitoring dashboard will make it easier for medical personnel to provide the best service in the hospital.

Fathema added, RSOJ has prepared intensive case management supported by trained and professional medical personnel.

"RSOJ Pertamina Royal Biringkanaya prioritizes superior and leading quality health services by preparing 30 sub-specialist and specialist doctors to fulfill health services and referrals for cases of the brain and heart needs," said Fathema.**

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