
SOE International Conference, Encouraging Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth

Jakarta, October 13, 2022 – The State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) role during and after COVID-19 as the driving force of the national economy has been felt by all levels of society. Moreover, the SOEs' existence in almost all sectors touches many people's lives, from health, finance, and information to energy.

"SOEs play an important role as economic growth's driver as well as a contributor to state revenue and development agents," said the Minister of SOE, Erick Thohir, in Jakarta. In the G20 framework and sharing experiences in managing SOEs, located in Nusa Dua, Bali, a State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) International Conference will be held on October 17-18, 2022.

This SOE international conference will carry the theme, "Driving Sustainable & Inclusive Growth". In this event, several SOEs' initiatives and commitments will be discussed in the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) field.

According to Deputy Minister I of SOE, Pahala N. Mansury, each SOE develops strategic initiatives. For instance, in the health sector, SOEs provide more equitable health services to the community. SOEs in the financial sector with initiatives to achieve financial inclusion for the population most in need. Meanwhile, in the information and technology field, the SOE initiative is to utilize digital technology to achieve greater inclusive information.

"In the energy sector, SOEs need to lead the energy transition to ensure sustainable energy availability and achieve Net Zero Emissions," said Pahala.

Meanwhile, the Acting Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina, Heppy Wulansari, said that Pertamina, as the largest energy SOE in Indonesia, welcomed the SOE International Conference & Expo. Together with the Subholdings within the Pertamina Group, the company will demonstrate various energy transition projects' progress and achievements that have been running in recent years.

"We have eight energy transition initiatives that have been carried out consistently, and we will show and offer them to potential investors," said Heppy.**

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