
Successfully Implementing Security Management System, PHE ONWJ Receives Gold Certificate

Jakarta, February 13, 2022 - PHE ONWJ, Sub holding Upstream Zone 5 of the Java Region member, won a Certificate in the Gold Category of the Security Management System from the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) on Wednesday (19/1).

The handover of the certificate was given directly by the Head of the Samapta Bhayangkara Baharkam Corps of POLRI, Police Inspector General Drs. Priyo Widyanto, M.H. to Ridwan Widijanto as Acting. General Manager Zone 5.

Zone 5 PHE ONWJ has implemented a Security Management System based on Police Regulation Number 7 of 2019 and has been assessed from the results of an external audit conducted on 1 – 3 December 2021 by the Auditor from the Directorate of Vital Objects Security of the Indonesian National Police.

Ridwan Widijanto, in the event, expressed his hope, "With this certificate, we hope that the Management of Zone 5 PHE ONWJ will always maintain and make improvements to the Security Management System in the future."

Congratulations to the entire PHE ONWJ Zone 5 team for achieving the Security Management System Gold Category Certificate.**

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