
Supported by Pertamina Partnership Program, Garut Farmers Harvest Potato

Garut – The face of 128 farmers in Kampung Panyingkiran, Sukawargi Village, Cisurupan, Garut West Java are filled with happiness. After fighting ferociously for four months, sowing seeds and taking care of potatoes in an area of 76 Ha, it is time for the food “hero” in Garut district greet it with joy.

Today, they harvest Potato, together with Head of Agricultural Service Garut, Beni Yoga G, Vice President CSR & SMEPP PT Pertamina (Persero), Agus Mashud, GM PGE Area Kampjang Wawan Darmawan.

The farmers are partners of Corporate Social Responsibility & SMEPP (Small Medium Enterprise Partnership Program) Pertamina West Java. The result of this year harvest is overjoy. The harvest process that rolled since September until January 2018, produce more than 1.000 tons.

This result cannot be separated from Pertamina partnership program which injected venture capital. They are given loan with Harvest Pay (Yarnen) method for six months and will roll for three years.

VP CSR & SMEPP Pertamina Agus Mashud said, since 30 May 2017, Pertamina has distributed venture capital aid through partnership program for Rp 7.4 billion to potato farmers in Garut.

“Partnership funds have been disbursed to the farmers through the union that supervise funding distribution, accompany farmers as well as accommodate harvest results. The harvest is the result of planting season in May 2017, and we are grateful that the result is very good. Result of more than 1000 tons potato, have become successful benchmark of our partnership program in increasing the economy especially for farmers,”said Agus Mashud.

Agus added, partner of Pertamina in Garut is Forest Village Community (LMDH) “Mustika Hutan”. This cooperative shading forest encroacher at first. Now, the develop to supervise several farmers of mountain plants in Garut. Aside of guiding farmers in production, LMDH cooperatives will accommodate harvests of the farmers and buy it at fair price.

“We hope that this program will increase the welfare of potato farmers which was always shadowed by loan shark shackles, and middleman because the difficulties in accessing soft capital loans,” he said.

Pertamina partnership program by holding farming sectors have been done in several regions. Other than Garut, Pertamina also distribute venture capital to 3.400 sugarcane farmers in the area around sugar factory PTPN XI in East Java and to 300 coffee farmers in coffee grinding area PTPN XII East Java. They also give aid to fishermen in Banten to drive the improvement of technical skills, fishing gear, as well as helping marketing access to large consumers.

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