
Supported by the KPK, Pertamina Manages to Save Potential State Losses on Assets worth IDR 9.5 trillion  

Jakarta, September 11, 2020 - The cooperation in preventing criminal acts of corruption carried out by Pertamina Group with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was successful in saving potential state losses on assets worth IDR 9.5 trillion. These assets are State Assets managed by Pertamina. Among which are located in Palembang City, South Sumatra Province, and in East Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, which previously could not be developed, has now become especially beneficial for the community and local government.

Director of Business Support of Pertamina, M Haryo Yunianto, said Pertamina's synergy with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has focused on preventing acts of corruption so that from the start, state losses can be minimized. Apart from the KPK, Pertamina also received support from the National Police and the Attorney General. Therefore all business processes, including the process of utilizing assets become more transparent and avoid legal violations.

"Pertamina and the Corruption Eradication Commission have agreed to cooperate intensively to prevent and eradicate corruption in order to create a clean SOE," said Haryo.

Pertamina continued Haryo, expressed their appreciation to the KPK for helping Pertamina solve the problem of asset utilization, including assets in Palembang and East Barito. Therefore, it could be developed to improve the community's economy while reducing potential losses to state assets. For information, assets in Palembang are used as the Kenten Cultural Park area. Meanwhile, in East Barito, these assets are used as access along 60 km to increase connectivity between regions and facilitate transportation of commodities, especially from mining and plantation products.

Meanwhile, according to Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, the cooperation to prevent corruption is carried out, starting from the supervision and management of anti-corruption activities. Followed by implementing and increasing compliance with the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN), implementing the Gratification Control Program, implementing a whistleblowing system, and building a culture of integrity throughout Pertamina's employees and partners without exception. Pertamina and the KPK also work together in optimizing assets and implementing ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP).

"The collaboration with the KPK will encourage Pertamina to continue to strengthen the application of the principles of GCG [good corporate governance] in the entire corporate work system, which must be obeyed by all Pertamina employees," added Fajriyah.

Fajriyah also expressed her appreciation to KPK for the award given to the Pertamina Group. "We also express our gratitude for the award from the KPK to Pertamina's subsidiary, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), as a company that implements "Praktik Baik Penerapan Managemen Anti Suap (Good Practices for Anti-Bribery Management)" and a company that implements good practices in implementing ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP)" explained Fajriyah.

According to Fajriyah, cooperation with the KPK will continue to be amplified to affirm Pertamina as a state-owned enterprise that manages the company with integrity, a clean and transparent framework. GCG at Pertamina, added Fajriyah, is no longer mandatory but has become a culture and necessity in carrying out daily business activities from top management to workers in the field.

Not only that, but Pertamina also appreciates the assistance and synergy from the local government. "With the support of all stakeholders, Pertamina will grow into a world-class company that is clean, transparent and with integrity, and maintains national energy security, independence, and sovereignty," concluded Fajriyah.**

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