
Supporting Anti-Drug Movement, Pertamina's Fostered MSE Empowers Former Drug Addicts for Entrepreneurship

Jakarta, June 28, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero) continues its commitment to supporting the anti-drug movement both in the work environment and foster partners. Several micro and small enterprises (MSEs) assisted by the MSE Funding Program have initiated several movements related preventingthe younger generation from the dangers of this drug.

Acting Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that the International Anti-Drug Day (HANI), commemorated every June 26, can be interpreted at any time, not just once a year. "Every time, we must commit to staying away from narcotics," she said.

This spirit, continued Fajriyah, also continues to be transmitted, including to the fostered partners. Some of them have also applied that spirit in their business activities. Such as providing training to drug addicts and those who are no longer using these illicit goods.

"This is a form of sociopreneur-based business that is often echoed by Pertamina, namely an effort to involve the surrounding community. Especially for those who are a priority to be assisted, such as housewives, unemployed, street children, people with disabilities, to former drug users," she added.

One of the fostered MSEs that has implemented sociopreneur efforts for drug users is Andi Baso Achmad Palinrungi. The owner of this Baso Craft business often provides training on making handicrafts from used materials to former drug users around the Makassar City area. 

"In addition to former drug users, I also provide training for people with disabilities, school dropouts, and homeless people, as well as asylum seekers," he said.

According to Fajriyah, through the MSEFunding Program, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produce sustainable growth.

Pertamina also supports SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievements through implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all of its operational areas. It is part of the environmental and social responsibility to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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