
Supporting the SOEs Movement, Pertamina Continues the Plasma Donor Campaign

Jakarta, February 9, 2021 - As a state-owned enterprise that is always at the forefront of helping the government handle Covid-19 patients, PT Pertamina (Persero) supports the joint SOEs movement and continues the Convalescent Plasma Donor campaign to all Pertamina employees in subsidiaries and operating units throughout Indonesia.

Following the theme of Pertamina's movement, namely From Survivor to Savior – Dari Penyintas menjadi Penyelamat, From Pertamina for Indonesia, Pertamina's employees were also part of the SOEs Plasma movement for Indonesia. This effort is expected to continue to expand and become a national movement as instructed by the Vice President, Prof. KH Ma'ruf Amin, and Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir.

The support for the joint SOEs movement was shown by Pertamina employees' participation in a convalescent plasma donor event held by the Ministry of SOEs at Pertamina's Head Office, Jakarta (8/2).

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communication & Investor Relations, Agus Suprijanto, explained that Pertamina would increase the Convalescent Plasma Donor movement's socialization to all Pertamina's operational areas spread across Indonesia.

"This joint SOEs movement will be a sustainable movement at Pertamina so that it will help our brothers and sisters who are exposed to Covid-19 more," said Agus.

According to Agus, in this campaign, Pertamina will continue to synergize with various parties such as the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and the Pertamedika Hospital, and Pertamina Central Hospital, as well as various parties who share the same passion in the Convalescent Plasma Donor campaign.

Agus added, in addition to the Convalescent Plasma Donor campaign, Pertamina also tightened preventive measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 by conducting periodic testing and tracing processes on all Pertamina employees. And the results found cases of exposure more quickly, with the condition of People Without Symptoms (OTG) reaching more than 85%.

"We also ensure optimal treatment for patients so that the cure rate is also very high," added Agus.

Pertamina's Covid-19 Task Force has carried out strict monitoring in its handling, including through Pertamina's health facilities and safehouses for self-quarantine and isolation.

"In line with the conventional plasma campaign and vaccinations, hopefully the Covid-19 pandemic can be well controlled, so that we can return to normal life as before the pandemic," concluded Agus.**

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