
Supports Donan River Conservation, Pertamina Cilacap Involved in Planting 50 Thousand Mangroves and Spreading 1,000 Crab Seeds

Cilacap, June 11, 2022 – PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) RU IV Cilacap takes part in conserving Donan River by planting 50,000 mangrove trees and spreading 1,000 crab seeds in  Kampoeng Kepiting Kutawaru, Central Cilacap, Tuesday (7/6/2022).  The activities in the series of Environmental Days was held in collaboration with Perum Jasa Tirta I, PT KPI RU IV, and the Cilacap Regency Government.

Donan River is part of the Serayu - Bogowonto National Strategic Area as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing number 4 of 2015. This river is widely used by the community and industry as transportation routes, raw water providers and others.

The activity was attended by President Director of PT Jasa Tirta I, Raymond Valiant Ruritan; Head of the Natural Resources Infrastructure Bureau of Central Java, Dadang Somantri; Regional Secretary of Cilacap Regency, Awaluddin Muuri; Assistant for Economics and Development, Wasi Aryadi; Head of the Cilacap Environment Bureau, Sri Murniyati; and HSSE Waste Management Monitoring Supervisor of PT KPI RU IV, Yogi Wardana.

Raymond explained that mangrove planting aims to prevent abrasion in Donan River, and by itself, marine life can improve the community's economy. "The spreading of 1,000 crab seeds is expected to further boost the residents' enthusiasm in increasing the income of processed crabs," he said.

Besides planting mangroves and crab seeds, domestic waste management was also carried out in means to conserve the Donan Crab River, and ten units of infiltration wells were also given to residents of Tambakreja Village, South Cilacap District.

Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR of PT KPI RU IV, Cecep Supriyatna, welcomed the collaboration of PT Jasa Tirta I, PT KPI RU IV, and the Cilacap Regency Government in conserving the Donan River through joint activities. “It is a proof of strong and harmonious synergy between stakeholders and the community to preserve the environment. Because efforts to maintain environmental sustainability require commitment from all elements with the same spirit and vision," he said.**

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