
Ministry of Village PDTT Drs A. Halim Iskandar took a photo with the participants at the Soft Launching Go Borneo “Gerakan Bangga Buatan Indonesia Artisan Kalimantan Timur” event held virtually on Wednesday (1/9). (Photo: Doc. Pertamina)

Supports GBBI, Pertamina Encourages Digital Transformation with Collaboration between MSMEs & BUMDes

Jakarta, September 1, 2021 – Proud Made in Indonesia Movement (GBBI) initiated by President Jokowi on 14 May 2021 is a national movement to encourage Indonesian to love and use local products, especially MSMEs products. This program is a productive act carried out by Pertamina, together with Ministry of Village Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration as a form of implementation regarding Sustainable Development Goals, especially point 8. Namely Providing Decent Jobs and Supporting National Economic Growth, in which this also targets the aspects of community empowerment, empowering women and the disabled.

The GBBI soft launching was officially carried out by the Ministry of Village Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (PDTT), Wednesday, September 1, 2021. This event was attended by the Minister of Village Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration A. Halim Iskandar, Corporate Secretary of Pertamina, Brahmantya Satiamurti Poerwadi representing the President Director of Pertamina, Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan M Sa’bani, as well as the Head of Bank Indonesia Representatives for East Kalimantan Province, Tutuk S.H Cahyoni.

The minister of village PDTT A. Halim Iskandar said that Proud Made in Indonesia is a national movement in the form of mutual cooperation, from MSMEs to MSMEs, from Bumdesa and Bumdesa bersama for Indonesia. MSMEs have proven to have extraordinary resilience in facing the economic crisis since 1998. Currently, MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

“The development of internet technology during the pandemic emphasizes that venturing into online commerce is the most efficient and effective way to survive and achieve the maximum sales in the future. MSMEs actors or the managers of Bumdesa and Bumdesa bersama, marketplace, the government, and all of Indonesian people are expected to be involved in GBBI to achieve the expected results,” said Minister Halim.

Minister A. Halim emphasizes that our country has a lot of strengths, has great works, and quality products, as well as great talents. The pandemic, said Halim, does not prevent us from being creative.

“Limitations encourages us to keep innovating, encourages us to stay enthusiastic and transforming, digging our potential and creating various existing opportunities. The BBI National Movement must be accompanied by a movement to improve quality and competitiveness,” he said.

According to A. Halim, since the launching of GBBI last year, it is showed a rapid progress. In 2020, GBBI successfully invited more than 3,8 million creative actors and MSMEs to join the e-commerce platform in order to expand the market. Not only the national market, but also international. Currently, the total of MSMEs that have been onboard to digital has reached 11,4 million.

As an SOE, Pertamina supports GBBI by focusing on digital transformation for MSMEs and BUMDes. Digital transformation for MSMEs and BUMDes is an important capital amid the Covid-19 pandemic that requires all of business activities to be carried out digitally.

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina, Brahmantya SatiaMurti Poerwadi who read the speech by Pertamina’s President Director Nicke Widyawati, said that various digital trainings have been held from August as a part of this year’s GBBI pre-event, as well as provision for MSEs and BUMDes to be ready to face the era of information technology advancement.

Pertamina has provided digital training attended by 2,461 participants, in the framework of preparing MSEs and BUMDes to be Go Online, to live bazaar as an effort to increase MSEs sales and village products.

“This year’s GBBI activity is expected to encourage MSEs/BUMDes to be Go Digital and Go Online, in which being able to adapt to the developing era, so that they can also increase the effectiveness in running business,” said Brahmantya.

Brahmantya added that with digitalization, it is hoped that the market reach will be wider, transactions can be done everywhere, and the turnover obtained can be increased. Moreover, with the success of MSEs’ onboarding on social media or marketplace platform, it is expected to help accelerate the national economic recovery due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This event, said Brahmantya, is also part of Pertamina’s ESG commitment, especially in social aspect through empowering micro and small businesses. In accordance with the mandate of Law No. 19 of 2003 concerning SOE, Pertamina as one of Indonesia’s strategic SOEs, is strongly committed to support the rise of micro, small, and medium enterprises with the spirit of “Energizing You and Energizing Indonesia”.

“Energy that fuels, energy that produces sustainable growth, and energy that moves the economy through MSEs and BUMDes,” concluded Brahmantya.**

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