
Supports Go Global, Pertamina Internasional EP's 8-Year Role Achieves Various Accomplishments

Jakarta, December 3, 2021 – PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP) as the Regional International Upstream Subholding has been active for 8 years in the upstream oil and gas sector abroad, on November 18, 2021. Several accomplishments were also achieved by PIEP in 2021, in terms of HSSE, PIEP managed to achieve 3,500 days without LTI or 3,500 days without work accidents, and 'Zero TRIR' for two consecutive years up to 190% Cost Efficiency which was able to boost the company's profit significantly in 2021.

PIEP's oil and gas production has reached YTD 2021 of 153,595 BOEPD with additional reserves (P1) already on target, at 100%. An extraordinary innovation was carried out by PIEP Officers in the 2021 Innovation and Improvement Program (IIF), in which 7 teams from Regional 5 proceed to the 2021 Upstream Improvement & Innovation Award (UIIA) Forum.

President Director of Pertamina Internasional EP, John Anis expressed his gratitude to all PIEP officers for their cooperation in carrying out the tasks and responsibilities given. "I also want to remind all PIEP Officers to always focus on maintaining the HSSE aspect, especially 'safety', when carrying out activities in operations and in daily life, obeying rules and procedures to achieve the Company's goals," said John.

2021 is also the year that PIEP's CSR activities participated in the award event for the first time and received an appreciation in the form of an award in the 'Gold' category through the 'Program Sekolah Tari Gratis di Cirebon' in a very prestigious CSR award event, namely the Indonesia SDG's Award (ISDA) 2021.

Furthermore, PIEP through PC Prove Elang Gurun in synergy with Upstream Innovation Subholding Upstream also received the 'Dharma Karya Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Madya' award by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) of the Republic of Indonesia for its success in the breakthrough utilization of the 'Passive Seismic' method, first in the Sahara desert, Algeria.

Celebrating its 8th anniversary, Pertamina Internasional EP held a hybrid event at the Patra Jasa Office Tower Head Office with a strict health protocols implementation, and online that were attended by PIEP officers (18/11). The series of activities to celebrate PIEP's 8th Anniversary were also filled with presentations/highlights from each of the PIEP Subsidiaries, which are Pertamina Algeria EP, Pertamina Iraq EP, and Pertamina Malaysia EP, as well as giving appreciation to PIEP officers, and ended with the screening of creative videos from each function in PIEP.

"PIEP officers will always be enthusiastic and carry AKHLAK values ​​in their everyday life, to actualize Pertamina's vision of becoming a world-class national energy company," added Khairul Saleh as PIEP Relations Manager on a separate occasion.**

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