Bengkalis, September 15, 2022 – In collaboration with the Indonesian Army (TNI AD), PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) supports the National Food Security program through food crop agriculture development in the company's operational areas in Riau. Symbolically, the collaboration began with a corn seed planting carried out directly by the Army Chief of Staff (KASAD) General Dudung Abdurachman, and President Director of PHR Jaffee A. Suardin, in Kesumbo Ampai Village, Bengkalis Regency, Riau, on Wednesday (14/9).
In his speech, KASAD said that the TNI received a mandate from President Joko Widodo to take a role in assisting the Government to improve national food security, collaborating with various elements. "Therefore, I appreciate PHR's response to help improve the community's welfare through this program with the TNI AD," said General Dudung Abdurachman.
Meanwhile, President Director of PHR, Jaffee A. Suardin, said that PHR is determined to grow and develop with the community around the company's operational areas. "The strongest fortress and harmonious foundation of PHR in its operations in the community is when the surrounding community feels the real benefits of PHR's presence," said Jaffee in his speech at the planting event. According to Jaffee, PHR has prepared approximately 100 hectares of land in its operational area in Duri, Bengkalis, for food crop farming. This initiative is expected to move the economy, produce food for public consumption, and improve the community's welfare in the ​​PHR operations area.
Nationally, the Government launched a Food Security program in 2012 with the issuance of Law No. 18/2012 on Food. It is stated that food security is "the condition of fulfilling food for the state up to individuals, which is reflected in sufficient food availability, both in quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, equitable, and affordable as well as not conflicting with religion, belief, and community culture, to be able to live a healthy, active, and productive life sustainably.” **