
Teaching Product Photo Tricks and Digital Marketing, 100 North Maluku MSEs Are Ready to Sell Online

Jakarta, September 3, 2022 - PT Pertamina (Persero) and the Ministry of Villages PDTT gave online training activities for 100 North Maluku MSEs. The training include product photo tricks, sales optimization using WhatsApp business, increasing sales in the digital era, and discussing selly applications on August 22 - 29, 2022.

The activity by Pertamina and the Ministry of Villages PDTT supports the North Maluku BBI Gernas planned in the 4th week of September 2022. It is hoped that this training can expand MSEs market reach and competitiveness through the digital technology marketing system transition. It will be a resource for MSE to welcome the technological advancement era to support it'a online business development and expansion.

This activity is part of the North Maluku BBI Gernas, which includes webinar forums, publications in local and national media, Gernas BBI Corner with a Gernas BBI special theme by displaying the fostered partners products at T3 Soetta, Pertamina SMEXPO, online training and business matching.

Ricardo de Melo as a spokesperson from demelophoto.com delivered a presentation on Digital Content Development or Photo techniques, providing lessons on how to make eye-catching photo visuals to help increase product sales digitally by only using a mobile phone.

Meanwhile, Harlina Sulistyorani, as Director General of Economic Development & Investment in Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration, said the collaboration between Economic Development & Investment in Disadvantaged Regions & Transmigration with Pertamina was carried out to facilitate and assist North Maluku MSEs to improve their business, as proven through Pertamina SMEXPO with 220 MSEs already registered as Marketplace participants.

"I hope that MSE actors will collectively take advantage of all offline and online training to be pro-active to develop their businesses," he said.

VP of CSR & SMEPP of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that with this program, MSEs could take advantage of the digital space more positively and productively, as well as encourage domestic product strengthening to compete in the global value chain.

"This digital training is a manifestation and commitment of Pertamina to advance, strengthen and empower its fostered partners," she said.

Through the Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK), Pertamina has nine programs that empowers MSEs to encourage promotion, namely the UMK Academy, providing appropriate technology grants, business certification and licensing, SME product displays, e-learning facilities, MSE publications, MSEs sales through e-commerce, the SME 1000 catalog, exhibition / virtual exhibition, and the Pertapreneur Aggregator which was just launched on August 19, 2022.

"Pertamina continues to provide support and assistance to fostered partners, where SMEs can transform through digital application towards Go Online and Go Global," she concluded.

Pertamina continues to support the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement through ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all operational areas. It is part of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.

Through MSME programs and the spirit of Energizing Your Future, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy-energy that fuels and an energy that produces sustainable growth. As well as to continue encouraging every Fostered Partner to become upgraded and Go Global MSMEs.**

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