
The Number of Pertamina's PLTS at SPBU Will Increase 10 Times Next Year

Jakarta, December 20, 2021 - Pertamina through its Subholding Power & NRE (Pertamina NRE) targets the installation of Rooftop PLTS (solar power plant) at petrol stations (SPBU) by 2022 to increase 10 times or to reach around 1,500 points with a total installed capacity of 9 MWp.

Pertamina has a target to provide PLTS at 5,000 Pertamina petrol stations. Currently, more than 125 Roofs of petrol stations have been installed with PLTS. Its distribution covers the areas of North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Riau, Bengkulu, South Sumatera, Greater Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan. And the target for next year is to reach 1,500 points.

"We are speeding up the installation of Rooftop PLTS at Pertamina petrol stations so that the target of 5,000 petrol stations can be realized immediately. We do this as a form of our commitment to guard the energy transition. With the installation of Rooftop PLTS at Pertamina petrol stations, we hope to accelerate the energy transition," said Corporate Secretary of Pertamina NRE Dicky Septriadi.

A total of 1,500 Rooftop PLTS which is targeted to be installed next year will be spread more widely in Indonesia, including Bali because it is one of the areas with great potential for PLTS development. According to data from the Institute of Essential Services Reform (IESR), the technical potential of PTLS in Bali reaches 26.4 GWp. In addition, with the issuance of Governor Regulation number 45 of 2019 concerning Bali Clean Energy, the local government is increasingly encouraging the use of clean energy, including PLTS.

The ambition to make petrol stations 'green' is one of Pertamina's main programs implemented by Pertamina Patra Niaga as a Commercial & Trading subholding. Petrol stations that have been categorized as green will get the title as Green Energy Station (GES). This program includes the provision of environmentally friendly fuel, the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations  (SPKLU) or battery swapping stations (BSS), the use of PLTS as a source of electrical energy, as well as digitizing services.

SPKLU is already available in several GES, and BSS will also be available shortly. Pertamina Patra Niaga recently synergized with Electrum - a joint venture of Gojek and TBS, collaborating with the pioneer of two-wheeled battery-based electric motor vehicles (KBLBB) in Indonesia, GESITS, and a Taiwan two-wheeled KBLBB brand, Gogoro, in developing downstream infrastructure for electric motors, namely the pilot of BSS commercial. This synergy is a form of support and contribution to the acceleration of the battery-based electric motor vehicle (KBLBB) ecosystem.

The contribution of accelerating the electric vehicle ecosystem is also shown by Pertamina NRE which will participate in the development of an integrated battery industry from upstream to downstream with a production capacity target of 140 GWh by 2029 which is managed by PT Industri Baterai Indonesia. The development of the EV battery is one of the futures of Pertamina NRE's business and is the management's main commitment to realize it.

“Pertamina supports the energy transition from the use of fossil energy in transportation to electrical energy that is more environmentally friendly. This is in line with the government's target of realizing net zero emissions by 2060," said Dicky. He added that currently, business management that only prioritizes profit is no longer relevant. In managing a business, it is necessary to implement environmental, social, and governance (ESG) aspects in order to realize sustainability.**

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