
The synergy between Pertamina – Pegadaian, Waste Sorting Gold Saving  

Jakarta, October 2, 2020 – PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pegadaian (Persero) are collaborating on the TJSL waste management program. It is the Bank Sampah (Waste Bank) Pertamina, which converts used oil into biodiesel with the Bank Sampah (Waste Bank) Pegadaian, which carries the Memilah Sampah Menabung Emas (Waste Sorting Gold Saving) program. With this innovation, it is hoped that it can overcome waste and environmental problems and improve the welfare of the community by getting higher economic value.

Corporate Secretary of Pertamina, Tajudin Noor, said that the collaboration between PT Pertamina (Persero) and PT Pegadaian in managing the Waste Bank is a synergy between SOEs that prioritizes inclusive and collaborative aspects to build public awareness in waste management. Through this program, it is hoped that Pertamina and Pegadaian can support the government in achieving SDGs point 7 of clean and affordable energy, point 8 of increasing inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Also, point 12 of responsible consumption and production, and achieving SDG point 17 of revitalizing global partnerships.

"It is hoped that in the future, besides being more concerned about the environment, the community will also become more aware that waste also has economic value. At the same time, we want to educate people to be more environmentally friendly by managing waste," he said.

Meanwhile, Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, said that the Waste Bank, under Pertamina's guidance, has succeeded in processing used oil into biodiesel fuel and has even received certification. Therefore, there is an opportunity to support the new renewable energy movement.

"This collaboration is expected to attract the interest of the public to collect used oil, especially housewives, to exchange it for gold savings," explained Fajriyah.

SVP of Community Development Partnership of PT Pegadaian, Hertin Maulida, said that this collaboration is expected to maximize the potential for the management of the Waste Bank managed by Pertamina and PT Pegadaian.

"Indonesia is the second-largest waste contributor in the world. Therefore, we need to increase public understanding and awareness of waste. Besides that, waste can also be economically beneficial to them," she said.

Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Ministry of SOEs, Agus Suharyono, expressed his appreciation for the cooperation between the two SOEs as part of community empowerment.

"We are waiting for cooperation that can have an impact on the income of the small community. Thank you very much for Pertamina and Pegadaian. Hopefully, this collaboration can be an example for others to develop patterns of cooperation like this," he said.

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement for Community Beneficiaries of Garbage Management Beneficiaries between Pertamina and Pegadaian was held at the Alana Sentul Hotel on Tuesday, September 29, 2020. This signing was carried out by VP of CSR & SMEPP of PT Pertamina, Arya Dwi Paramita, and SVP of Environmental Development Partnership of PT Pegadaian, Hertin Maulida. It was witnessed by Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Ministry of SOEs, Agus Suharyono, Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina, Tajudin Noor, and Director of Operations and Sales Network of PT Pegadaian, Damar Lastri Setiawan.

After the signing of this cooperation agreement, the next step taken was to carry out a Pilot Project in the Operational Areas of the two SOEs, namely in the City of Tarakan and Yogyakarta.**

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