
These are the 10 Riau Students Who Received Full Scholarships from PHR to Study at Pertamina University

Pekanbaru, July 28, 2023 - The first year of the PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) S1 Achievement Scholarship program has been a success and received high enthusiasm from students in Riau. Currently, ten Riau students have been selected to receive the scholarship. Who are they?

Officially launched by the President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Nicke Widyawati, with SKK Migas Sumbagut and the Riau Provincial Government, this scholarship program garnered 1,786 applicants from high schools and vocational schools. They were then rigorously selected through administrative screening, academic potential tests, interviews, and a final group discussion forum (FGD) before ten students were chosen as the full bachelor scholarship awardees to Pertamina University.

The Governor of Riau, H. Syamsuar, warmly welcomed the scholarship awardees and advised them not to waste the opportunity given by PHR. Syamsuar also conveyed that this scholarship supports the Riau Provincial Government’s efforts in accelerating development.

"Congratulations and success to the ten Riau students who received the PHR S1 Achievement Scholarship to pursue higher education at Pertamina University. My message is not to waste this scholarship and become outstanding students at Pertamina University. In the future, all of you will become agents of development for the Riau Province," said Syamsuar during the Awarding and Inauguration Ceremony for the S1 Achievement Scholarship PHR awardees at Rumbai Country Club (RCC), Pekanbaru, on Wednesday (26/7/2023).

President Director of PHR, Chalid Said Salim, appreciated the high interest shown by the Riau students in applying for the PHR Scholarship. Chalid also expressed that this scholarship shows PHR's commitment to accelerating education in Riau.

"They should be proud because they were selected from such fierce competition at each stage, considering the applicants were outstanding students in their respective schools. This scholarship is PHR's commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) that fulfills SDG Goal 4, Quality Education. We believe that education is a long-term investment that provides sustainable benefits to society. We hope we can conduct this scholarship program again next year," said Chalid.

Meanwhile, Rikky Rahmat Firdaus, the Head of SKK Migas Northern Sumatera Representative, also expressed his pride in PHR's success in implementing the S1 Scholarship Program and selecting the ten best students to continue their studies at Pertamina University. "Congratulations to the Riau students who were chosen. This program is one of the commitments of the upstream oil and gas industry to contribute to preparing local human resources in the region," Rikky explained.

Agus Mashud S. Asngari, President Director of Pertamina Foundation, stated that the scholarship awardees selection was a joint decision involving the Riau Provincial Education Office, PT PHR, Pertamina Foundation, and Pertamina University.

"From the PHR S1 Achievement Scholarship launch until the selection of its ten awardees, Pertamina Foundation, as the implementing partner, has always coordinated with the Riau Provincial Education Office, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), and Pertamina University. I hope this is not the end, but the beginning of collaboration and cooperation through educational scholarship programs and community empowerment," said Agus.

Prof. Dr. Wawan Gunawan A. Kadir, M.S., the Rector of Pertamina University (UPER), welcomed the scholarship awardees and expressed his hope that they would develop and maximize their talents, interests, and knowledge during their studies. "Congratulations, you are officially students of Pertamina University. You have come at the right time because starting this year, UPER is synergizing with PT Pertamina (Persero) to prepare the best graduates for careers within the Pertamina Group. Therefore, study diligently and be active students to achieve both academic and non-academic achievements," said Wawan.

Here are the ten awardees of the PHR S1 Achievement Scholarship at Pertamina University for the 2023 year:

  1. Aliyah Nova Az-Zahra Nasution from SMAN 1 Bangko Rokan Hilir, majoring in International Relations;
  2. Aulia Rizqo from SMA Negeri 1 Rambah Rokan Hilir, majoring in Electrical Engineering;
  3. Lovalya Putri from SMAN 2 Mandau Bengkalis, majoring in Chemical Engineering;
  4. Muhammad Afyan Husnan Alza'far from SMAN Plus Riau, majoring in Petroleum Engineering;
  5. M Arryan Naufal from MAN Insan Cendekia Siak, majoring in Management;
  6. Nasywa Nayifa Salsabila from MAN Insan Cendekia Siak, majoring in Economics;
  7. Nuraini from SMAN 8 Mandau Bengkalis, majoring in Chemistry;
  8. Raihan Putra Akbar from SMAN 1 Dumai, majoring in Computer Science;
  9. Regitha Nur Azizah from MA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru, majoring in Communication Science;
  10. Rendi Priyanto from SMAN 2 Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir, majoring in Petroleum Engineering.

The scholarship they received includes exemption from the Institution Development Contribution (SPI) charged at the beginning of the studies, exemption from the Education Development Contribution (SPP) or tuition fees per semester until graduation, exemption from re-registration fees, living allowances, dormitory costs, and capacity development program fees, and Earth Buddy Action fees.

One of the scholarship awardees, Nuraini, expressed that the full scholarship from PHR has allowed her to pursue her dream of becoming a chemist. "With the full scholarship provided by PHR, I can pursue my dream of becoming a chemist without burdening my parents. Therefore, I promise to be a responsible and high-achieving awardee, and one day, I hope to make discoveries that are needed and beneficial for society," Nuraini concluded.

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