
Trauma Healing Volunteers Cheer Up Balongan Refugees

Indramayu, April 6, 2021 - After the T-301 Balongan tank incident, dozens of volunteers are still working to bring joy to the affected residents by helping the post-traumatic healing process experienced by the community around the Balongan Refinery.

The trauma healing volunteer team comes from various backgrounds. Internally, there are Pertamina millennial employees and Pertamina Patra Women's Association (PWP). Externally it also involved the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, the West Java Psychological Association (HIMPSI), the Rapid Response Action Team (ACT), and the Dongeng Keliling Group.

Subholding Refining & Petrochemical (PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional) Corporate Secretary Ifki Sukarya explained that the volunteer team continuously carried out activities in refugee camps that could entertain residents and heal post-traumas.

"Collaboration between volunteers from all elements of society is needed to ease the handling of residents in evacuation sites and accelerate the recovery of trauma that may have been experienced at the time of the incident," said Ifki.

According to him, the presence of PWP women is very meaningful in helping with food distribution and logistics as well as serving the daily needs of residents while in the evacuation.

HIMPSI, which assigned three psychologists to evacuation sites from April 2-4, 2021, also provided assistance and simple assessments of the refinery fire survivors.

"Most of them are still traumatized by the fire incident if a recall is carried out. However, in normal conditions, they already appear normal," said Meina Shiamullaeli M.Psi, Psychologist at HIMPSI.

Samsudin, a volunteer from Dongeng Keliling Satwa Langka Indonesia, together with music artists, provides entertainment through animal stories and invites child survivors to be involved, which can teach a sense of togetherness and gratitude.

"This activity is intended to promote a spirit of mutual support among survivors who are very supportive of Pertamina's efforts in handling refugees," said Samsudin.

According to Ifki, Pertamina appreciates the presence and involvement of volunteers at the evacuation sites.

"Pertamina is grateful to all volunteers who have contributed since the beginning of the incident until now," he concluded.**

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