
Utilizing Hydroponics to Solar Panels, Lake Shuji Tourist Village Gains More Independence

Muara Enim, August 25, 2023 - Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Upstream Subholding, through Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field, empowers the community in Lake Shuji Lembak Tourist Village, Lembak District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatera, through the Desa Energi Berdikari (DEB) program. As part of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, this initiative introduces hydroponics utilization and the Lake Shuji tourist area's electrical system to support the local economy's growth.

Head of Communication Relations & CID of Pertamina Hulu Rokan Zone 4, Tuti Dwi Patmayanti, stated that the DEB program is expected to provide support in economic recovery and increased access to clean energy for the community, especially for the 271 households in Lembak Village affected by the pandemic. Furthermore, this program addresses environmental issues such as the accumulation of 572 tons of waste in the Lake Shuji area and incidents of 200 hectares of forest and land fires that have devastated rubber plantations and caused haze in residential and tourist areas.

"The pandemic has significantly impacted several residents in Lembak Village, particularly in economy and environmental sustainability. Through this program, Pertamina hopes to empower the surrounding community to regain their strength and achieve energy and economic self-sufficiency through environmentally friendly efforts," said Tuti.

In addition to the hydroponics utilization and the Lake Shuji tourist area's electrical system, Pertamina also installed solar panels with a capacity of 8.72 peak watts (Wp), capable of generating 11,232 watt-hours (Wh) of energy per year. Through solar energy utilization, it is expected to reduce carbon emissions by up to 11,336 kgCO2eq/year and provide electricity cost savings of up to IDR 16 million per year.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fadjar Djoko Santoso, revealed that the Desa Energi Berdikari Program has been implemented since 2019. Up until now, it has reached 52 villages across Indonesia and provided benefits by generating 143,250 Wp of Solar Power Plant energy, 605,000 m3/year of Methane Gas & Biogas energy, 16,500 Wp of Hybrid Solar and Wind energy, 8,000 watts of microhydro energy, and 6,500 liters/year of biodiesel, as well as reducing emission impacts by 565,896 tons of CO2eq/year.

"From an economic perspective, this program has a national impact on 3,061 households with a total multiplier effect of IDR 1.8 billion per year," said Fadjar.

This Pertamina DEB program aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point #7 (Clean and Affordable Energy), point #8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and point #13 (Climate Action). Furthermore, through this program, Pertamina supports the Government's target to achieve Net Zero Emission by 2060.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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