
TVRI East Kalimantan journalist Mardans Whaisman, winner of the Best of the Best award at the Anugerah Jurnalistik Pertamina 2024 event, Bali [13/12/2024].

With 2,667 Entries, Pertamina Announces 25 Winners of Anugerah Jurnalistik Pertamina 2024

Jakarta, December 14, 2024 – PT Pertamina (Persero) officially announced the winners of Anugerah Jurnalistik Pertamina (AJP) 2024 during the AJP Award Night. Out of 2,667 entries from journalists across Indonesia, Pertamina named 25 national winners, including the Best of the Best recipient.  

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, stated that AJP is the company's way of appreciating Indonesian journalists who continue to educate the public.  

"AJP reflects Pertamina's commitment and appreciation to media professionals across Indonesia who have collaborated in educating the public and supporting the dissemination of positive information about Pertamina's performance in all business lines," said Fadjar.  

He added that Pertamina has been hosting the AJP for 21 years, and participation has steadily increased. “This year, AJP participants reached 2,667 entries, an increase from last year’s 2,559 entries,” he stated during the AJP 2024 event in Bali (13/12/2024).  

“The number of categories has also grown, from six to eight, divided into two main pillars: Business and Non-Business,” he added.  

All AJP 2024 entries underwent a thorough selection and assessment process, conducted objectively and systematically, from the regional (Territory) level to the National level.  

"The judging process involved 21 regional judges and nine national judges from diverse professions and academic disciplines. We extend our gratitude to the judges for their hard work ensuring transparent and objective evaluations, which have led to high-quality journalistic works," he concluded.  

The Best of the Best award, the highest recognition, was given to Mardans Whaisman, a journalist from TVRI East Kalimantan, for his work titled "Taklukkan Riam Untuk Indonesia Satu Harga."

AJP provides equal opportunities for media professionals to enhance their education, knowledge, and international learning experiences for the Best of the Best award winner.  

Here are the winners of the 2024 Pertamina Journalism Award:

Written Work Category (Business)

  1. Truly Okto Hasudungan Purba (Tribun-Medan.com) – Program Embrio Hadir: Tutup Celah Manipulasi, Pengelolaan BBM Kendaraan Dinas Jadi Lebih Transparan
  2. Sigiranus Marutho Bere (kompas.com) – Penyambung Napas Energi Timor Leste Itu Dari Nusantara
  3. Idayatul Rohmah (Tribun Jateng) – Kapal Pertamina Gas 1: Tekan Emisi Demi Selamatkan Bahari

Written Work Category (Non-Business)

  1. Rio Indrawan (dunia-energi.com) – Memupuk Persahabatan Abadi Dengan Raksasa Berhati Lembut Teluk Cendrawasih 
  2. Tantowi Djauhari (portaljepe.id) – Melipat Waktu Perburuan Sagu ala Pertamina Kilang RU VII 
  3. Hisyam Luthfiana (tempo.co) – Menebus Dosa Kepada Laut 

Television Work Category (Business)

  1. Mardans Whaisman (TVRI East Kalimantan) – Taklukkan Riam Untuk Indonesia Satu Harga 
  2. Priyuda Anangga Dipa & Dian Widaningtyas (CNN Indonesia Surabaya) – Mengurai Paradoks “Si Miskin” di Negeri Bahari 
  3. Imam Ambarwoto (CNN Indonesia) – Energi Transisi Lewat Green Refinery Cilacap 

Television Work Category (Non-Business)

  1. Cahyaning Tyas Agpri (DAAI TV Jakarta) – Limbah Tahu, Energi Baru 
  2. Gancar Wicaksono (CNN Indonesia East Java) – Kidung Tanggulangin Untuk Kesejahteraan Masyarakat 
  3. Muhammad Imran Irwan (TVRI South Sulawesi) – Kisah IRT Pembuat Songkok Guru Dari Limbah Pelapah Lontar 

Radio Work Category (Business)

  1. Ardi (RRI Merauke) – Energi Berkeadilan Bagi Warga Eksodus 
  2. Ustad Mukorobin (RRI Purwokerto) – Dedikasi Tanpa Batas, Para Pejuang Energi 
  3. Hikmat Raharjo Utomo (LPP RRI Denpasar) – Kawal Subsidi Tepat Gas Melon 

Radio Work Category (Non-Business)

  1. Rizky Perdana (Radio PRFM Bandung 107.5 News Channel) – Menyingkap Tirai Energi di Balik Tumpukan Sampah 
  2. Debi (Radio Smart FM) – PT PHM dan Yayasan Konservasi Rasi Melindungi Ikan Pesut di Sungai Mahakam 
  3. Nur Riska (RRI Singaraja) – Pelita di Ambang Alih Fungsi Lahan Pulau Dewata

Photo Essay Category (Business)

  1. Erlangga Bregas Prakoso (antarafoto.com) – Semangat Eksplorasi Migas Berkelanjutan di Ujung Timur Indonesia 
  2. Anggi Praditha Septiany (Kaltim Post) – Perjuangan Distribusi BBM Satu Harga di Mahakam Ulu, Tempuh Ratusan Kilometer dan Terjang Derasnya Riam 
  3. Adeng Bustomi (antarafoto.com) – Realisasi Dana Bonus Produksi Panas Bumi di Indonesia 

Photo Essay Category (Non-Business)

  1. Abriansyah Liberto (Tribun Sumsel) – Melestarikan Ikan Belida 
  2. Maulana M. Fahmi (Suara Merdeka) – Dari Gas Bumi, Bu Karti Mampu Sarjanakan Dua Putranya Dengan Usaha Laundry 
  3. Hafidz Mubarak Ahmad (antarafoto.com) – Berdaya dan Mandiri Dalam Kokolomboi Lestari 

Best of the Best

Mardans Whaisman (TVRI East Kalimantan) – Taklukkan Riam Untuk Indonesia Satu Harga

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